Dear Daddy, Please Spank Me - Chara Croft Page 0,35

how needy he got when he finally let himself let go. I’d felt how right it was between us, how perfectly we fit, just like I’d always imagined we would… only better.

But best of all, I’d watched Jordan melt into pure submission for those moments that he’d accepted me as his Daddy. It had been the most incredible, erotic, perfect experience of my life, something I thought I’d understood when I’d read about it, but knew now that I could never have truly appreciated until it actually happened.

And now that it had?

I’d do whatever it took to give that to Jordan again. To become the Daddy he truly needed. To show him that it could last past an orgasm. That it wasn’t just fun, it could be forever… even if, for now at least, that meant letting him go.

Not without a coat, though.

There were some things I just couldn’t bend on.



Andy didn’t seem to be on the same page about the one-and-done status of our hookup, so as shitty as it made me feel, ghosting him was the only option. I almost… almost blocked his number for my own sanity, but fuck, I was a greedy bitch who wanted to know that he was still thinking of me, so I didn’t.

I wasn’t going to reply to his texts, though.

And I definitely wasn’t going to answer his calls.

I broke after three days.

It was Dev’s fault. We’d finally finished the holiday series I’d agreed to do to promote his channel and surprise surprise, now he was on me to do another collab. But hell no. He didn’t pull his weight, he was kind of a pain in the ass, and to be honest, now that I’d seen more of what he was putting out, I didn’t really want viewers to associate the two of us all that much.

I’d already told him as much a few times, but dude wasn’t getting the message, so when he showed up at the apartment and Paolo let him in—my plan had been to just not answer the door, but fuck, Paolo definitely wasn’t on my side for the avoid-and-deny strategy, maybe because he’d been right in the middle of reaming me for I can’t even remember what-all that I’d fucked up with a visit from the apartment manager and breaking some dish of his and fuckall else that had gone wrong over the last few days—I lied and said I’d just been on my way out the door, grabbed my keys, and took the fuck off.

My plan had been to hit the gym, but a pipe had burst or some shit and I didn’t want to drive across town to the other location and the whole day was just fucked.

Actually, things had been shitty ever since I’d left Andy’s the other night, because the whole damn time, I’d just wanted to go back. Nic had been no damn help, either. As per usual, I’d given her the complete blow-by-blow of the action, but instead of fucking comisserating with me about how shittastic it was to have to give all that up, she’d been on my ass hourly about me having fucked up. Which, yeah, was pretty par for the course in life in general, but I was still kind of pissed about it because she was the one person I counted on to always be on my side. And instead? My girl had started talking about how she was keeping tabs on Andy’s profile on Cuffd and then speculating about other dudes’ profiles, and which ones Andy might hook up with next since I wasn’t interested.

And fuck, I mean… if he was going to be hooking up anyway, and I didn’t want to go back to the apartment and deal with Paolo or Dev, and I had shit else to do, I mean… maybe one more time wouldn’t hurt, right?

Ugh, no. Wrong.

It had already only been only one time and I already hadn’t been able to shake wanting to see him again... but at the same time, the thought of him getting with someone else was...

Shit. Shit shit shit.

It was none of my business, that’s what it was.

But still...

I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel, still sitting in the empty parking lot for the gym, then yanked out my phone and hit Nichol’s number.

She didn’t pick up.

I hit it again.

And then again when she ignored that one, too, because the girl always had her phone on her.

“Fucking what?” she finally answered, cranky and out of Copyright 2016 - 2024