Dear Daddy, Please Spank Me - Chara Croft Page 0,29

said I was good again. I was Daddy’s good boy. Good for him. He… I… were we playing? I mean, of course we were, but how fucked up was it that I kind of wanted him to mean it?

“What else?” he asked, again. “Tell me why you need this spanking, petal.”

“Shi—sugar. I don’t know, Andy. Um, I mean, Daddy. I just, please, more, okay? Do it again. Fu—fudging please.”

I pushed my ass up toward him, suddenly desperate for it, because the sting from those first two swats was already fading and I didn’t like things that hurt because who liked that shit? But I also did like it. I liked how it felt to have him… just… do this. Make me feel off balance but also like he had me. Like he was taking care of me, or whatever it was he’d said before.

But instead of spanking me again like I’d just begged him to, he said, “Daddy’s the one who decides when you get more.”

Oh, fuck. I bucked against his lap and he grabbed a handful of my ass and squeezed it hard, right in the same place he’d just smacked it.

“Be good.”

I stuttered out a choppy-sounding moan, his tight grip waking the sting back up with a vengeance. The sensation wasn’t enough, but it was something, and just… just fuck. I didn’t understand what he was doing to me. Not just the spanking or his “call me Daddy” fetish or not letting me blow him when he was obviously raring to go, but just him.

He squeezed my ass again, then gentled it up and started kneading my cheeks, and I moaned like a damn pornstar.

“I need you to talk to me,” Andy said, his voice finally sounding a little hoarse, like maybe it wasn’t just me who all this kinky shit was getting to. “I need to know I’m giving you what you need, baby. That we’re on the same page. That you know why we’re doing this.”

“I don’t,” I choked out. “I just, I need it. Please, Daddy. I don’t... don’t know anything else.”

“Then I’ll remind you, petal,” Andy said, which almost made me moan again because I liked it when he called me baby but everyone said baby, and “sweetheart” did shit to me, too. Petal, though… I mean, yeah, it was cheesy as fuck and too damn sweet and sappy for a hookup, but it wasn’t some random endearment, it was mine.

For now. Temporarily. Tonight, at least.

“You gave your phone number to a stranger,” Andy said.

“Wha—” I started to ask, my eyes popping open and the word cutting off in the middle when he spanked my right ass cheek.

I gasped, my legs jerking a little because that shit stung.

“And that’s not safe, baby,” Andy added, his palm cracking into the left one.

“Sorry, Daddy,” I said in a husky whisper... even though I wasn’t. My ass was hot and buzzing and my cock was hard and swollen and I suddenly felt shaky again, but no, I wasn’t sorry, even though he was right. It had been dumb. But I was just too fucking slow with texting for Cuffd’s chat app, and I’d been sucked in by those stupid profile pics Andy had posted of him and his cat, all amped up like I was from that call with Nic, and… and fine. I’d been impulsive, which admittedly didn’t always work out for me, but here I was, so… yeah.

Not sorry.

Not even a little bit.

“And on the phone,” Andy went on, “Daddy told you not to touch yourself. But you did, didn’t you?”

I definitely had, and just thinking about how he’d talked to me that night had me making some more dirty-ass porn sounds without even meaning to.

For some reason, having him on the phone with me like that, pulling all this Daddy shit while we’d talked, going all bossy on my ass and promising me this—exactly what he was giving me right now—had made jerking off feel better than most of the actual sex I’d ever had.

Fuck. Fine. Maybe better than all of it.

Andy spanked me sharply. “Answer me, Jordan.”

“Yeah, uh… yes, Daddy,” I gasped as that sting raced all the way through me. I braced my hand on the floor and ground down on his lap. I couldn’t help it. My cock was suddenly desperate. “I… I did,” I said, the words tumbling out of me fast now, like my mouth knew he was in charge, too. “I jerked it so fu—uh, so freaking hard. Copyright 2016 - 2024