Dear Daddy, Please Spank Me - Chara Croft Page 0,28

me, patting his lap again and then reaching out and pulling me toward him. “I’m going to give you what you asked for.”

“What?” I said again, feeling stupid. Too turned on and off balance to follow along. But then Andy somehow maneuvered me down over his lap, draped me over it kind of awkwardly, my feet on the floor and my head hanging down on the other side, and I caught on. “You’re actually going to spank me?”

“That’s right, baby,” Andy said, petting my ass. “Unless you’ve changed your mind.”

Yeah. Okay. I just needed to tell him no, because I didn’t actually want to get spanked… right? That had just been a thing to play for the camera. Hot in porn, but this? I felt off kilter and, hanging over his lap like this,literally off balance. Vulnerable in a way that made my stomach squirrelly again… but at the same time, I also felt safe. And petted. And cared for. And horny.


Fucking fuck.

Really horny.

“I… don’t know,” I said, my cock swelling as he kept rubbing my ass, his hand smoothing over my cheeks and down my thighs and then teasing back up over my crack, over and over, while he waited for me to decide. “I…”

Having his hands on me felt really fucking good, but my stomach was jumping and the blood was rushing to my head, making it hard to think.

But he was still waiting, so I had to, uh, say something. Decide. Tell him.

“Andy, I…”

Fuuuuuucccckkkkkk. Just say no, shitbrain.

I swallowed, trying again. “I don’t… uh, I don’t think...”

I suddenly couldn’t breathe right, my hands flailing out and my legs stiffening in some kind of spasm or some shit. It felt like I was falling, except I couldn’t, because Andy had one arm wrapped around my waist, holding me steady.

“I’ve got you, baby,” he said, still petting my ass in that mesmerizing rhythm. “Your ass is gorgeous. So soft.”

I laughed… which for some reason sounded more like a choked-off sob. Soft was the last thing I was. My ass was tight as fuck and my cock was a steel pipe and I felt like I might puke and I was terrified he’d stop, all at the same time.

“Like a dewy flower petal,” he went on, his palm curving over my ass, over and over like some kind of calming drug, until I was finally breathing like a normal person again. “Is that what you are, baby? My pretty flower. Skin as soft as a petal. Sexy and strong and needy and beautiful. And you belong right here, don’t you? Draped over Daddy’s lap, just like this, where I can take care of you.”

My head was buzzing. I couldn’t… couldn’t… it was too much. I mean, yeah, my skin should be soft. I exfoliated and waxed and paid way too fucking much for this moisturizer imported from France that I used on the daily. But the rest, not just what he was saying, but how he said it. What it felt like when he said it…

I definitely wasn’t cut out for this kinky shit. It fucked with my head. But—

“Okay,” I whispered anyway, my stomach tangled up in knots. It did fuck with my head, but in a way that made me want more. So maybe, just this once...

“Okay what, petal?”

I closed my eyes and braced myself. “Okay, um, you can… can spank me.”

Shit, I felt lightheaded, and I wasn’t even sure it was from hanging upside down like this.

“Why?” Andy asked instead of just doing it all ready.

“Fuck, Andy, because I’m… I’m fucking horny,” I snapped, which was totally true but also not true and I didn’t fucking know. God. He just had me feeling… things, and I needed... something. Him. That. The spanking. Something. “I don’t know.”

“Language,” he said sharply, finally doing it. Just one sharp smack on my ass, but hard.

“Oh… f-f-f-fudge,” I gasped, because it motherfucking hurt.

But also felt good?

“Try again, petal,” Andy said, going right back to petting and not sounding mad at all, even though he’d just spanked me like he actually meant it. “Why is Daddy going to spank you?”

I suddenly wanted to cry. And hump his lap. And feel his cock in my ass.

And—shitfuckshityes—I wanted him to spank me again, too.

“Um,” I said, licking my lips because they were bone fucking dry now. “Because… because I said fuck?”

“Repeatedly,” Andy said, spanking me again, just a single swat, with that smile-sound in his voice again. “Good boy. What else?”

“Because I…”

My mind blanked. He’d Copyright 2016 - 2024