Dear Daddy, Please Spank Me - Chara Croft Page 0,26

to be joking.

“Come on, though,” I said, my eyes popping open as I smirked, pressing my ass back against him. “There’s no way you actually want to fu—” My mouth snapped closed just in time, but… shit. What else was I supposed to call it? I cleared my throat. “You don’t actually want to top someone who yells out ‘fudge’ in the middle of the action,” I recovered, that thank you for trying of his still ringing in my ears, making my voice hoarse for some reason.

“If that someone is you, Jordan, then yes, I really do,” he said, still using that super-serious Daddy tone that did things to my insides.

I guess he was way, way into this role play stuff, wasn’t he?

And I… didn’t hate it.

“I would love to top you, baby,” he added, still with my wrists in one of his hands but running the other one down my side now, then back up.

Then doing it again.

Sort of… petting me.

“You’re beautiful,” he said softly, which yeah, I knew, but... “Incredible,” he added like he didn’t realize I was already a sure thing, leaning in to whisper it right in my ear, then kissing my neck. “Breathtaking.”

“Shit,” I whispered, my eyes fluttering closed. Then, almost on autopilot, “Sorry, I meant, uh, sh-sugar?”

He waited a second, then—

“You mean, ‘sorry… Daddy.’”

“Sorry, Daddy,” I repeated because he wanted me to, and… and fuck. Because him wanting me to made me want to.

I wanted to be good for him, like he’d said.

I didn’t want to fuck it up and have him stop all… this.

“That’s my good boy,” he said like he’d just read my mind, wrapping an arm around my chest and pressing himself more tightly against my back. “You’re getting it now, aren’t you, baby?”

“Yes, Daddy,” I said, not sure what it was that I was getting, exactly, but wanting it. More of it. All of it.

He made a rumbly sound of satisfaction, like something I’d expect to hear after we’d fucked, and damn if it didn’t undo me. It was like the tighter he pinned me, the looser I felt. Like my bones were turning into warm syrup. And knowing I’d pleased him on top of all those delicious feelings of being restrained and secured? I still wanted to feel his cock inside me, but all that impatience I’d had about it earlier was just gone.

“This really is what you need,” Andy murmured. Then he kissed my neck again, lips soft until they opened, then hot and wet as he sucked. Dragged his teeth over my skin, pressed another gentle kiss against it and then repeating until I… fuck.

Until I fucking whimpered.

“Shhhh,” he said, smiling against my skin. Then another kiss. “You’re doing so well, letting me take care of you like this, baby. Submitting to your Daddy. It’s gorgeous on you. You’re so good for me, Jordan...”

And he just kept going on and on and on with that shit, starting to make my head feel fuzzy as his voice washed over me... as he kept laying kisses on me between all those intoxicating words... ran his hand up under my shirt to stroke my pecs… my abs… my obliques. Did it all so damn smooth as he kept whispering stupidly nice things in my ear that I didn’t even register he’d let go of my wrists until he was pulling my shirt off over my head.

I shivered. Not cold though, just…

“Fuck”—I almost whispered, catching myself just in time.

I bit it back and ended up whimpering again instead.

“So good for me,” Andy said again, which I was getting kind of addicted to hearing.

He turned me around to face him but kept a firm hold on me, pressing me against the wall as he started in with all the petting again, all over the skin he’d just exposed. First, like he was being careful, thinking I was all delicate or… or precious or some shit, and then more firmly. Mapping me out with his hands like he was staking his claim. Making me whimper again when he got to my stupidly sensitive nipples, but also somehow turning every spot he touched into an erogenous zone.

“I’m going to take these off now, okay, baby?” he asked, fingers finally dipping under my waistband and stroking the button on my fly.

I dragged my eyes open, not sure when they’d closed and suddenly realizing that I’d just been, like, totally zoned out and just letting him manhandle me for I had no idea how long. I Copyright 2016 - 2024