Dear Daddy, Please Spank Me - Chara Croft Page 0,25

for... fuck. For anything he wanted to give me.

He finally nipped at my bottom lip, then pulled back, running his thumb over it. “I love your mouth.”

“Fuck,” I panted, pretty fucking sure that my mouth loved him, too.

He grabbed my wrists and yanked them over my head, holding them against the wall.

“Language, Jordan,” he said, making my cock throb. Then he smiled, slow and dirty. “I do know what you’re here for, you don’t have to goad me into it, sweetheart. I’ll give you what you need. But…”

His voice trailed off.

He was trying to kill me, looking at me like that.

“But what?” I finally blurted, really fucking into the whole pin-me-to-the-wall-and-keep-me-there action he had going on but getting way too jumpy inside when he just… just stared at me. I mean, sure, I knew I was pretty, but it didn’t feel like he was looking at my face. He was, like, looking at me.

“But be good,” he finally said, his lips quirking up at the corner. “You’ll get what you asked for, but you need to remember that Daddy’s in charge now.”

“Oh, fuck, dude, yes,” I babbled, so fucking turned on now that I couldn’t stand it. “I’m all yours.”

He kept my wrists locked in one of his hands and used them to pull me away from the wall so he could give my ass a swift, hard swat that made my cock swell even more. “It’s Daddy, not ‘dude.’” he said firmly. “Didn’t I just tell you to be good?”

“Yes, Daddy,” I said, because fuck yes. Then I smirked, figuring I knew where he was going with this. “And if I forget, you get to spank me for it, right?”

“That’s what you said you wanted,” he said, doing that stare-down thing again that made my stomach start jumping, slowly walking me back against the wall again and then pressing my wrists against it and holding me there. “That’s what you asked for.”

“Fuck yeah, I did,” I said, letting my dick do the talking because sure, I’d had my doubts about the spanking thing earlier, but right now? All crowded and restrained and, uh, dominated and whatnot? My cock and I both agreed. Whatever “Daddy” wanted was most definitely what I wanted, too.

Except… oops.

Yep, he’d caught the F-bomb… and he swatted the side of my ass for it. Hard.


“Seriously?” I practically moaned, too fucking horny to care how pathetic it was that I was basically panting for it after, what, some lip lock and two swats? But whatever. This shit was doing it for me. Maybe I was a little bit kinky after all?

“Yes, seriously,” Andy said, all… well, serious. “I told you, Daddy’s in charge.”

I made a disgustingly needy sound and had precisely zero fucks to give for the embarrassment factor, thrusting my hips toward him and trying to grind for a little relief because fuuuuuucccckkkkkk. How had I never known that would do it for me?

“Keep saying that shit and you’re going to make me come just from talking again, dude,” I panted.

Andy flipped me around to face the wall, pushing me against it and giving me five hard swats on the ass before I even knew what hit me.

I gasped. What the… fuck… holy… shit.

He still had my wrists trapped, and now he pressed up against my back, the heat of his body making the sting from those swats heat up, too.

“Jordan,” he said right in my ear. Just that, but suddenly my stomach felt a whole different kind of squirrelly. Nervous and excited and… and sorry. It was like he’d somehow turned my name into an entire conversation, and I knew—fucking knew—that that “Jordan” actually meant “language” and “it’s-Daddy-not-dude” and “did you not just hear me say that I’m in charge right now?”

“Oh God,” I gasped, closing my eyes and panting for air. “Oh shit.”

Double shit. Fucking “language” again. Not my fault, though. That shit had just slipped out.

“Daddy,” I rushed out before he could do something about it, really fucking glad he had me pinned in place so thoroughly since I felt like I couldn’t find my balance again. “If you don’t want me swearing, what… um, what am I supposed to say when I’m so fu—fudging turned on, then?”

“That works,” Andy said, and I swear to fuck, even with my eyes closed, I could tell he was smiling. “Thank you for trying, baby.”

I suddenly felt… too warm. But on the inside.

But wait. He legit expected me to say fudge instead of fuck? He had Copyright 2016 - 2024