Dear Daddy, Please Spank Me - Chara Croft Page 0,23

on my ass, and… oh, damn. He was already hard, too.

I grinned. Still standing on the porch, and things were already off to a pretty fucking promising start. Then I licked his lower lip, sucking it into my mouth and watching him watch me the whole damn time as I ran my tongue over what I’d captured. Sucked on it a little more. Tried to pretend it was just foreplay and not me suddenly addicted to the flavor of his mouth, or to the way it made him groan, quiet enough that I might have missed it if I hadn’t been pressed close enough to feel the vibration in his chest.

Finally, Andy's eyes started to flutter closed, his hands tightening on my ass. But when he leaned in and tried to turn it into a full-on kiss, I pulled back and—

“Pretty sure you owe me a spanking,” my mouth said without my permission, like it had totally forgotten that I just wanted to be fucked.

I mean, spank me big Daddy if you must—a little bit, preferably while your cock is inside me and I’m all flooded with endorphins and oxytocin and shit so it doesn’t actually hurt—but that wasn’t what I was here for.

Except for some fucking reason, I’d just told him I was.

His eyes popped back open and his face went through a weird series of expressions that there was no way in hell I could make sense of, what with as fast as they were there and then gone again, but then, just when it started to make me nervous, he smiled, making my heart do a stupid jittery thing.

It was that smile.

From the pictures.

But for me.

“Come in, Jordan,” he said, letting me go and taking a step back as he sort of ushered me in through the door. “I’m really glad you’re here.”

“Um, yeah,” I said, my stomach getting all squirrelly at that for some reason.

He shut the door behind me and reached for me, but instead of spinning me around, pinning me to the door, and shoving his cock in my ass, the way a regular hookup would at this point, Andy rubbed his hands up and down my arms and frowned down at me.

“Where’s your coat?”

“Uh,” I said, my mind blanking. My coat? Probably back at the apartment. Wait, no. Hadn’t I spilled a protein shake on it last week? So it was probably at the bottom of my hamper. Which… gross. Yeah. That wasn’t good.

“Baby?” Andy said, still frowning. “I don’t like you out in this weather without a coat. It’s supposed to drop below freezing tonight.”

I swallowed. Someone really needed to give Andy a Hook Up 101 manual or something. He was supposed to be worried about how quickly he could get his dick inside me, not whether my balls froze off once he was done with me. Who even gave a shit about stuff like that? Boyfriends, I suppose, which we definitely were not, or parents, maybe. I mean, not mine or anything, but that’s what I’d heard.

Andy didn’t look like he was in any hurry to move things along until he got an answer, though, so I held my arms out and flexed my everything and gave him a wink, twisting to show off some of my best assets. “Dude, a coat? Get real. It wouldn’t match my outfit.”

There was definitely some serious heat in his eyes as they focused in on my… assets, but he kept right on frowning. “You look great, but if you really didn’t bring one, you’re not leaving without one of mine.”

“A coat?” That frown of his was throwing me off my game. Why did he give a shit? “Nah,” I said holding up a hand. “Then I’d just have come back again to return it.”

“I have no problem with that,” he said, finally smiling again. And… shit. Yeah. This hookup definitely had to be a one-and-done if he was going to pull that on me. I may have had issues of the academic variety, but I wasn’t dumb. I still planned on getting some cock tonight, but I could already tell that too much of him smiling at me like that could lead to something really stupid, like ending up wanting a Scott of my own or some shit. I’d stick to hot dudes who didn’t act so damn happy to see me after this, thank you very much.

“I’ll pass,” I said. “But thanks.”

His smile got bigger, and my stomach did a weird-ass fluttering thing.

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