Dear Daddy, Please Spank Me - Chara Croft Page 0,22

but fruit since last night and spent way too fucking much quality time with my douche today to waste the chance to get some cock, so whatever this other bullshit was that had temporarily made my stomach feel all squirrelly and frozen me in the driveway for a few, I’d just have to deal with it later.

Or, you know, never. That option worked for me, too.

I shivered as I headed toward Andy’s front door, because fucking December, then rapped my knuckles on it, smirking a little to see that it was painted teal. I’d have to tell Nic. But then, before I’d even had time to worry about whether I should use the doorbell instead, Andy jerked it open, so damn fast I almost worried he’d been watching for me or some shit.

Fuck. How stupid would I feel if he’d seen me sitting out in the driveway like that?

But then, with Andy suddenly right in front of me, I forgot to worry about any fucking thing at all for a minute, because just… damn. Okay then. He hadn’t been catfishing. This was definitely the same average-build guy with a wholesome-but-not-hot face from his Cuffd profile, and I could totally still see that geeky kid from the school pics Nichol and I had found, too, but he also… he fucking smelled good.

Like, bury-my-nose-in-his-neck-and-never-come-up-for-air good.

Like, I-had-to-shove-my-hands-in-my-pockets-not-to-grab-him good.

That shit definitely should have come with a warning label. It definitely wasn’t cologne or whatever, just some weird combination of dryer sheets and home cooking and man scent and I didn’t even know what else.

But I liked it.

Which was dumb.

It wasn’t even sexy.

I mean, it shouldn’t have been.

Fuck, why was it? I had a middle-class-suburbia kink or something now?

Plus, I don’t know why it surprised me, but he was bigger than me. Well, taller. Just a few inches, and I definitely had more muscle than him, but it was enough that I could imagine how we’d fit if he wrapped those arms around me and pulled me against his chest and—

“Jordan,” he said, thankfully jolting me out of that stupid line of thinking before it got weird. Well, weirder. Fuuuuuucccckkkkkk, though. That voice of his was even better in person... and I shit you not, just like on the phone, the smooth, deep timbre instantly made my cock hard. That’s what should have come with a warning label. He wasn’t even smiling at me, but somehow just the way he said my name was enough to make me feel more… more fucking wanted than if I’d already been bent over and buck-ass naked with my hole on display for him.

I swallowed, suddenly feeling off kilter, like that moment I failed to stick a landing but hadn’t found my balance again yet. But then I remembered what the fuck I was actually here for and shook it off, stepping forward into his personal space to get the show on the road with a sexy-ass smirk I may or may not have perfected in front of the mirror, one that I happened to know for a fact made me look hella fuckable.

Which, unlike all these weird zingy feelings, was the point.

“Heyyyyyy, Daddy,” I said, sliding a hand up his chest and wrapping it around the back of his neck.

Shit. He smelled even better up close.

I slipped my other hand around his waist and both of his landed on my ass like they’d always belonged there.

No objections. It was his for the duration, as far as I was concerned.

“You came,” he said.

A softball, huh? Okay then.

I winked. “Not yet.” I tugged his head down, swaying into him, and brought my lips up to his. “But I want to," I said, letting the words act like a tease, almost but not quite a kiss, as my mouth moved against his. "So you gonna let me come in, Daddy? Because I’m horny as hell, and since you said I was in trouble last time I handled that problem on my own, maybe you should do something about that.”

“Jesus,” he murmured, our mouths still barely touching.

I could taste the word on his lips. Taste his breath when he said it. Taste him, and fuck if he didn't taste even better than he smelled.

If we'd been kissing, this was the bit where everyone would have their eyes closed… but we weren’t, and the way he was staring straight into mine made me feel pinned in place.

God, Andy was so weird.

I didn't hate it, though.

He suddenly tugged me closer, his hands fitting perfectly Copyright 2016 - 2024