Dear Daddy, Please Spank Me - Chara Croft Page 0,13

her a little since she wouldn’t drop this Cuffd thing.

“Just click on his damn profile, Jordan,” she said, going drill sergeant on me again. “Do it before he goes offline. If there’s one thing you need tonight, it’s definitely a spanking.”

“Bitch,” I said, swiveling my chair around to face the monitor again. “Fine, which one.”

“It’s N-O, underscore, M-I-L-K,” she said. “His thumbnail has a teal background.”

“You sure it’s not periwinkle?” I joked, scanning all the shit in my inbox for the right color and then squinting at the usernames as I tried to tame my fucked-up brain enough to make sense of the swimming letters and find the right one.

Nichol, naturally, waited me out. She was always hella patient when I had to read something, which was sometimes annoying when I wanted an excuse to just skip it, but also kind of a relief, since I never had to dodge the issue or try to cover up my epic shortcomings around her.

“Got it,” I finally said, clicking on what I hoped was the right one. And… hello. It must be. Not old, that was for sure. Hell, he looked younger than me. And he was good looking. More wholesome than hot, but just saying, I wouldn’t kick him out of bed.

“I think you should answer him.”

“Nah,” I said, my stomach doing a weird flip as I stared at his picture. “Not my type.”

I got another eye roll for that, because she did know me, which meant she knew that was a bullshit excuse… which, of course, she immediately called me on.

“Your ‘type’ is ‘down-to-fuck’ and ‘will host,’ Jordan. Come on, his dot’s still green. Message him.”

The guy definitely didn’t look like he was going to lure me into some kinky sex dungeon and chain me up, but I mean, wasn’t it always the ones you didn’t expect that were actually the biggest freaks behind closed doors?

“Why are you so into this guy, Nic?” I asked, clicking through the pics he’d uploaded. There were only three. A face shot with a smile that looked way too fucking nice to be real, a body shot—mostly clothed, unfortunately—that was what I’d call “average,” and another one where he was laughing and holding the world’s ugliest fucking cat while it glared death rays at the camera.

I squinted, leaning closer, then winced. Shit, was the cat missing an ear? I mean, yeah, it looked fully healed, but that shit was ragged. I didn’t even want to guess what had happened to rip it off like that. Also, did the dude honestly think he was going to get laid with pics like that? I should message him, as a charitable community service or whatever, just to school him on some self-marketing basics.

I clicked back to the first one, where he was just… smiling. That one was okay. Fine, maybe a little better than just okay. I mean, if I imagined him smiling at me like that, or hell, anyone smiling at me like that…

“See?” Nichol said, sounding smug.

“What?” I asked absently, still trying to figure out what it was about the dude’s smile that made it seem like… like more. I flipped back to the ugly cat picture where he was laughing, and my stomach got all squirrelly again.

“You’re smiling,” Nichol said.

I snorted, yanking my eyes off Mr. Wholesome BDSM Daddy and looking down at her on my phone screen. “No, I’m not,” I said, since that was stupid. “Besides, he looks like a serial killer.”

“I read through his profile, boo. He’s perfect for you.”

“So you’re saying he has a ten-inch dick?” I joked, even though… ouch. A size queen I was not, so hopefully, he wasn’t that well-endowed.

Not that it mattered, of course, since I’d never find out.

“Message him,” said Seargent Fetterline.

“I’m not hooking up with some guy who bites off cat ears, Nic,” I said, even though… shit. I could already tell how this was going to play out. Why couldn't I ever say no when she got like this? And sure, the guy was probably way into spanking my ass for the night, since he’d been the one to message me first, but he really did look too nice to put up with the constant hot mess that was the rest of me, so then what?

Nothing, that was what.

I scrubbed a hand over my face. This was definitely a bad idea if that stupid smile of his was making me ask “then what.” He was obviously a kinky shit who looked for his Copyright 2016 - 2024