Deadly Kisses - By Kerri Cuevas Page 0,12

say, it’s a weird request to bargain with the Dark Lord for. But I’ve heard of stranger things. You can get her to break the deal.”

“I’ve heard of a Grim Reaper who helped his sister break a deal so she could pass through the Golden Gates. I’ll do that!” Hope filled my heart.

“Just don’t give her the Kiss of Death again because you could lose all of your soul. If that happens it’s considered a big mistake on the job and you’ll get sucked into the river.”

A Grim Reaper security task team has the power to control the river. If I failed an assignment, they would send a tornado of fine glass to strip me down to a skeleton, carry me to the river, and bind me to it forever. Grim Reapers try to get out, but they never do. I shuddered.

“Do me a favor, boy?” Abe tapped his finger on his scythe.

I stiffened, afraid what he would ask. “As long as you don’t give me assignments that are going to Hell, I’ll do anything.”

He clasped his scythe. “You have to get over that fear if you’re planning to stay.”

“I will. So, what do you need?” My voice shook.

“Find out if the girl knows why she can see us? It could mean the end of Ivar’s control over us, and it could mean everything. I have a suspicion about her.” Abe didn’t elaborate, walking back into the crypt, dissipating in a plume of smoke.

I would go to Bee. Staying away was causing me to ache. I needed her and deep down I knew she sensed it was me.

I left my scythe locked to my gondola. I didn’t want to scare her, and I didn’t want her to try to take it again. Knowing her, she would try. I could still call on its power as long as it was close by.

Moisture in the air made the forest smell fresh and crisp as I walked the path to her house. Dry leaves rustled in the wind and the sun’s rays shone through the naked branches. I liked walking in the forest. I had spent my whole life living in it, in a trailer that was nestled in a cove of trees near the center of Acstead. I also spent my life avoiding my home thanks to my mother.

I was almost at Bee’s house. I could see the back of it. It was a mish mash of an old farmhouse with a modern addition on top. The old weathered shingles on the original section stood out from the beige vinyl.

The curtain that hung in front of the door that went into her room was pulled back. The waves of warmth washed over me, like I had never died. I pulled my hood low over my nose.

Without knocking, I opened the door. It was unlocked. I expected it to be locked, dead bolted, and barricaded. I sucked in my breath when Bee turned to face me. She had on a pair of faded blue jeans with a band sweatshirt. Her black hair hung in messy strands over her shoulder. The blood drained from her face as fast as water went over Niagara Falls.

She stood frozen. I remained calm. If my emotions went haywire she would know. “Can I please come in?” I asked.

She pulled the sleeves of her sweatshirt down so her hands were cupped inside. “Do you plan on reaping me today?”

“No,” I croaked, trying to disguise my voice.

“Are you going to reap me sometime soon?” Her fists clenched.

“Yes.” I remained still and maintained my cool.

“Fine come in, but don’t come near me because I won’t let you kill me just yet. I know your rules. I have six more days!” She watched as I walked through the door and closed it. I picked up a blanket and held it out to her. Little bumps pricked up on her neck and her teeth started to chatter.

“Thanks.” She draped it over her shoulders, but made sure her hands were accessible if she had to fight me off. “What do you want?”

I gazed at her. My eyes had missed out on her beauty for two years. I gathered up courage because I had a job to do. It wasn’t in me to quit. “We have a little problem, and you have complicated things.”

“For the record, you complicated your own life by making me a target, but enlighten me with why I’m to blame.” Her anger caused her to buzz with adrenaline.

My mouth twitched. “When Copyright 2016 - 2024