Deadly Kisses - By Kerri Cuevas Page 0,11

cup and brought it to her lips. The liquid flowed out smooth and disappeared. “No! I told you, an old flame. Nothing more.”

“Just because I’m a newbie doesn’t mean I’m dumb. Did you forget I’m bonded to Abe and Abe is bonded to you? So, all his Reaperlings are also bonded and so on and so forth. Shall I continue, or do you get the point that I can feel your emotions? I want to help you.”

“And let’s get off the subject of me. What about you? You’re at a crossroads, Ad. Are you going to go through with your assignment? You’re sending out vibes like a Mack truck. I could track you from another continent.”

I remained calm, afraid my fury would send the sleeping girl into a nightmare. “What’s in the envelope? Hmm, maybe Abe would like to research the matter thoroughly.”

“Don’t worry about what Abe knows, wonder boy. If you don’t want to dance, fine, but you can’t scare me off. Don’t worry, I still like you. Maybe next time kay?

Reina kissed my cheek with her icy lips. When she pulled away, I noticed the black of her eyes now covered the brown. I clasped her arm. “What’s this drink?” My nerves jittered. I didn’t want problems of the dependent nature again.

She stiffened. “It’s firewater. It makes you tipsy, but there’s a preservative agent in it. I’m sick of rotting like a corpse; it’s the only drawback to getting to walk amongst the living.”

“You don’t need that. You’re not decaying that much yet, and you look nice the way you are.”

“Yeah right.” Reina flipped her hair. “Have fun waxing your gondola. Maybe if you do a real nice job it will hug you back.”

“Come on Reina, come back. I’m sorry. I can’t help it. You know crowds make me crazy! And you do look nice!”

“Call me when you get over your claustrophobia.” Reina walked further into the crowd.

“You call me if you need a lift home,” I hollered.

I left the dingy club and returned to my gondola. Bee’s warmth was gone, and I wanted it back. So much for fun.


I paced back and forth outside the Kessler crypt in the old Acstead cemetery, waiting for Abe. I didn’t trust the way Reina took the envelope at the club, hiding it, avoiding the subject. It wasn’t like her to dodge me, but I was glad to get back to Bee and her warmth.

Bee’s soul stirred, awaking with the rising sun. The day promised to be warm for fall, and the grass dripped with morning dew. My cloak dragged, seeping up the water and leaving a path with every step I took.

I felt her being comforted by someone else. I concentrated and when I did, I sensed her brother Jaleb. He couldn’t protect her from me, but I wished he could.

I stopped short, feeling a soft touch on my soul. Bee had acknowledged that our souls were tangled together. She explored my emotions. She was a warm jet stream and I was a turbulent ocean. My breath caught in my throat and a tear ran down my face. In an inconceivable way, she was drawn to me.

I couldn’t let her know who I was. I couldn’t take her disgust if she found out I stayed behind, becoming a Grim Reaper. She wouldn’t understand that I liked my job. I was really good at helping people cross over quickly and I got to walk among the living. It was a win-win.

A dark shadow formed in the crypt, walking toward me. It was Abe. His sharp jaw and serious eyes pierced into me.

“Boy?” He walked forward with his scythe in hand.

“Abe listen, something is going on with Reina. I needed to clear my head so I went with her to this club and she had some kind of altercation. Look, I know I’m not your best pupil, but I know when something is off.”

He put his large bony hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry about her. I know what she’s doing. Just be her friend and worry about your own assignment. This must be difficult for you?”

I stared ahead, a blank expression on my face. “I’m managing in my own way.”

“Does that mean you’re giving everyone the silent treatment and acting cold and distant?”

I growled. “I’m fine! I just need to know how to get our soul’s in their right places. I can’t reap her if she has half my soul.”

Abe let me go, dropping his hand to his side. “I must Copyright 2016 - 2024