Dead Man's Deal The Asylum Tales - By Jocelynn Drake Page 0,38

the day eating, gaming, and watching Internet porn for all I care. Just stay here.”

“Can I at least go back to my place and get some clothes?”

“Fine. Be quick and don’t make any calls. Okay?”

“Yeah, sure,” he grumbled, leaning against the counter across from me.

I pulled open a drawer and grabbed a spare key to my apartment. Tossing it to him, I walked out of the kitchen and into the living room. “I’ll be at Asylum until dark and then Trixie and I have to run an errand. I should be back here near midnight,” I said as I picked up my keys, wallet, and cell phone from the coffee table and shoved them into my pockets.

“Anything else, Mom?” he asked with a sneer.

“Yeah, don’t do anything stupid.”

Robert flipped me off, but he was smiling when he did it. I flashed him dual birds in return and then headed for the door. I needed to get to Asylum. I did my best thinking in the parlor.

“Hey, Gage.”

Robert’s voice stopped me as I pulled open the door. I turned to look back at him and frowned. He looked genuinely uncomfortable and for a moment I thought he was going to tell me to go on.

When he spoke, his voice was gruff and halting, as if he was afraid to speak. “That nightmare you had. Was it about when you were in the Towers?”

I quickly glanced out into the hall and was relieved to find it empty. My nosy neighbors didn’t need to know I was an ex-warlock.

“Yeah,” I said on a sigh.

“Was . . . was it bad there?”

My eyes fell closed for a second. Robert and I had never discussed my time in the Towers. I never discussed it with anyone. They were dark, ugly memories, for the most part filled with pain and screams and someone somewhere dying.

“Yeah, it was bad.”

“I’m sorry. When you were taken, I made all kinds of plans on how to rescue you. But I guess after about three years, I finally figured out that I couldn’t rescue you. No one could.”

I smiled weakly at my brother. He was leaning against the wall, his hands fisted at his sides as he stared at the floor, lost in the pain of an old memory. “The Towers are a bad place, but I don’t entirely regret it. If I hadn’t learned to control my powers, I could have hurt you or Meg without meaning to. I could never have lived with that.”

Robert nodded, but remained silent. I waited, not sure if he had anything else to say. I felt like we were both treading on eggshells. A sigh escaped me as I started to leave again.

“When I came in, you . . . you kept saying ‘Bryce.’ He a friend?” Robert asked, stopping me.

“No,” I said, looking away from my brother to stare out into the hall. “He was a kid I knew a long time ago.”

“I’m sorry.”

His words cut like razor blades across my flesh rather than the balm he meant them to be. I grunted and then pulled the door shut behind me. By his tone, Robert knew Bryce was dead. But he’d never know that his baby brother had killed the boy.

If there was any justice in this world, Bryce was at peace, away from all the pain, fear, and misery. And if he was, a little part of me envied him and hoped he forgave me.


WITH EVERYTHING GOING on with Reave, my brother, and the Towers, it wasn’t the best time to try to break into a walled-off private garden, but the growth cycle of the rare Asian Moon Lily couldn’t be altered simply because I was having a bad day. I was irritated by the distraction from what I needed to be doing, but in truth, I had to get away from the shop and all the building insanity so I could clear my head. And what better way to clear my head than to do a little trespassing and larceny?

Trixie was settled beside me in the tree, seeming more ghostly apparition in the moonlight than flesh and blood. It was the first time she had accompanied me on this excursion and I was grateful that she had chosen sneakers instead of her usual heels and leather.

“I can’t believe you do this,” Trixie said as she sank into a new crouched position in the large maple tree we were sitting in. We had been up in the tree for nearly a half Copyright 2016 - 2024