Dead Man's Deal The Asylum Tales - By Jocelynn Drake Page 0,37

grow broccoli in Montana?”

“I have no idea.”

Another long pause twisted in my tender gut. I dropped the soap and jerked the curtain back again. “Are you pregnant?”

Trixie scowled at me. “No, I’m not pregnant.”

“Oh. Good.” I closed the curtain and quickly finished rinsing off. “Then what’s up?”

“The Summer Court is in Low Town.”

I turned off the water and jerked the curtain completely open. Trixie’s eyes skimmed over the entire length of my naked body before rising back to my face.

“Nice,” she murmured with a grin.

It was my turn to scowl at her. I grabbed a towel hanging opposite the shower and started to dry off. “Have you spoken to your brother?”

“Not yet.”

“Have the king’s men made another grab for you?”


I stopped drying off and stared at her in confusion. “Then how do you know?”

Her lovely mouth twisted up into a frown. “I just . . . know. It’s a feeling. I can’t explain it. Summer elves know when the Court is near. This isn’t just a few of my people. Both the king and the queen are in the area.”

I nodded, wrapping the towel around my waist before stepping out of the shower. “Fine. Then we have to be careful.”

“I trust my brother. He’ll be fair about this. He’ll send word as to whether the queen will meet with us before he comes after me again.”

“All the same—”

“All the same,” she interrupted with a knowing smile. “I’m going to stay with Bronx this afternoon until my shift and then I’ll be at the parlor with you until we go on our little adventure tonight.”

“Shit! That’s tonight?” I groaned.

My nightmare had completely wiped my memory of the fact that I was scheduled to conduct a little larceny with Trixie this evening. I wanted to strangle the king of the Summer Court. He had been hounding Trixie for three centuries, trying to force her to be his consort after it was discovered that he and his wife couldn’t have children. If he made another grab for her, I was afraid that Trixie would bolt and I didn’t want to think about living without her.

“I’m going, Gage,” she warned. “I’ll agree to extra precautions, but I won’t stop living because of the bastard. So you can get that look off your face.”

“What look?” I tried for innocent, but knew she wouldn’t believe it.

“The one that says you plan to lock me in a room and guard it with a thousand trolls.”

I grinned at her. “That’s not a bad idea.”

Trixie leaned up and pressed a quick kiss to my lips. “I’ll see you tonight and I’m still going.” The elf quickly slipped out of the room before I could grab her, leaving me with only the haunting scent of her floral perfume.

With a sigh, I finished getting ready and met Robert in the kitchen, where he was pouring himself a cup of coffee. He stepped out of the way as I grabbed a mug and filled it.

“Everything good?” he asked from the doorway as I took my first sip.

“Yeah,” I said with a sigh as my grumbling stomach accepted my peace offering of heat and caffeine. I’d appease it with actual food when I made my way to the parlor.

“How long have you two . . . ?”

Robert’s voice drifted off and I smiled. I had never let myself imagine this day. I never thought I’d see him standing in the kitchen with me while we drank coffee. I never thought we’d talk again.

“I’ve known Trixie for a couple years, but we’ve been dating only a couple months.”

He grunted and took another drink of his coffee. Last night he’d told me that he was divorced and had no kids. We had learned odd facts and collected strange stories about each other’s life, but there were big gaping holes in his past that I was waiting to have filled in.

“I want you to stay in my apartment,” I said before draining the last of my coffee.


I walked over to the faucet and rinsed out my mug before putting it in the sink. “It’s safer. I don’t know who else knows about the information Reave’s trying to move or if anyone knows you’re involved. We need time to think and plan. No one knows we’re related, so they won’t think to look here.”

Robert frowned at me, looking as if he was ready to argue.

“Just for a few days. It won’t be bad. I’ve got cable, Internet, video games, and food in the fridge. You can spend Copyright 2016 - 2024