A Date to Play Fore - Heidi McLaughlin Page 0,26

arms around my neck, squealing so loud it hurts my ears. “Oh my God. You go off on vacation and come back married? How the hell does that happen? You’ve ignored my calls.”

I hug her. “I’m sorry. It’s been a crazy few days.”

She lets me go and bounces on her feet. “The picture was so cute. I didn’t even think you liked Greyson Jennings. The media has been going on and on about his rivalry with your brother.”

Groaning, I walk over to the table and sit down, only to find a huge cake with mine and Greyson’s name on it. You have got to be kidding me. I turn away from it and focus back on Lindy. “Yeah, it’s been a whirlwind.”

She claps her hands and squeals again. “Everyone’s dying to talk to you. When you called this morning and said you were coming in, I went out and got the balloons and Dr. Hannaford’s wife got the cake. You know he loves golf. I think Greyson is his favorite.”

After everything they’ve done, I don’t have it in me to tell the truth. Hopefully, once things calm down with the media, it won’t be so hard.

Lindy rests her face on her hands, grinning at me. “You know, the paparazzi is going to be all over this place when they find out you’re here. Last I saw on the internet, they were trying to figure out where you were after your Las Vegas trip. People are dying for an exclusive interview with you two.”

Heart stopping, I hang my head and groan. Greyson never posted publicly that he was in Charleston. That’s how we stayed away from it all. But now that I’m involved, they’ll trace me here. It’s not a secret that I work at the hospital.

“I didn’t think about that. If they find out I’m here today, they’ll be waiting for me.” Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to come into work.

Lindy squeezes my arm. “Why do you look so sad? Greyson Jennings is smoking hot and he’s rich.” Then her mouth drops open. “Oh wow, I didn’t even ask about your family. How are they taking it? I bet your brother is pissed.”

I belt out a laugh but there’s no humor in it. “You could say that.” It’s almost time for me to clock in. I stand and take my purse over to my locker.

“All right, my darling. I gotta get back to my patient. I want to hear all the details later.”

I glance at her over my shoulder and smile. “Sounds good.” Once she’s gone, I stare at my phone and turn it on. There are over a hundred text messages. My finger hovers over the envelope and when I press it, my eyes focus on Greyson’s texts. There are three words that stick out above the rest.

I love you.



It takes me about thirty seconds into my conversation with Eli to realize Leah is heading back to Charlotte. One thing struck me as odd though—the fact that she didn’t have any luggage with her. No one leaves without their belongings, especially women. They always travel with something they can’t live without. Knowing where she was headed, well where I thought she would head, I finally drag my ass away from her door, but not before her mother comes sashaying down the hall. She smiles brightly when we make eye contact.

“Good morning, Greyson.”

“Morning, Mrs. Nelson. I was just uh—”

“Leah’s an adult, you don’t need to explain why you’re standing outside her room. But I will warn you, she’s not coming back.”

I hang my head. “I thought as much.”

“But you’ll find her at work tomorrow, I’m sure.”

I glance at Mrs. Nelson. She gives me a half shrug and a sly smile. “In fact, if you’re heading that way, maybe you can take her stuff to her?”

“I’d be happy to. I don’t want you to leave your vacation because of something I did.”

Mrs. Nelson laughs a bit. “It wasn’t just you, Greyson. Bryan can be a handful too.”

I stand there while Leah’s mom goes into her room. She comes back twenty long minutes later with Leah’s bags and hands them to me. “You should know—”

“You don’t need to explain anything to me, Greyson,” she cuts me off again. I have a feeling she likes to interrupt people and finish their thoughts for them. “I saw the pictures. I get it.” She winks and walks down the hall, leaving me confused. Am I to assume her mother is okay with Leah

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