A Date to Play Fore - Heidi McLaughlin Page 0,25

but again, I have to test him. If he’s truly sorry, he’ll fight for me.

Once in the lobby, I go straight out the doors to the parking lot. As soon as I get to my car, that’s when I hear my name. “Leah, wait!”

Thankfully, it’s not Greyson, but it is his best friend. I turn around and watch him run across the parking lot. He sucks in a breath when he reaches me. “Thank God, I found you.”

“What do you want, Eli?”

He holds up his hands. “Greyson doesn’t know you’re out here. I was in the lobby when I saw you walk out. Figured if you didn’t want to talk to him that maybe you’ll talk to me.”

I scoff. “I don’t exactly want to talk to either of you right now. You’re one in the same.”

With a heavy sigh, he closes his eyes. “Yeah, I guess so.” He lifts his eyes to mine. “But you have to know how sorry he is.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “So it’s true then? He did use me to get to my brother?”

Eli’s eyes widen. “No,” he gasps. “I mean, yeah, he said some stupid things back in the day, but that’s all it was. You should see him right now. He’s a mess. The guy loves you.”

My teeth clench and it hurts my jaw. “Well, maybe he shouldn’t say stupid things. It can always come back to bite you in the ass.”

I get in my car, but he reaches for the door before I can close it. “Please, Leah. Don’t leave without talking to him.”

Tears well up in my eyes. “I’m sorry, Eli. I can’t.”

He moves out of the way and I jerk my car door shut. On the way out of the parking lot, I watch him in the rearview mirror with his cell by his ear. Luckily, I have a head start. There’s no way Greyson will be able to catch up to me.

It only takes three hours to get to Charlotte from Charleston. By the time I get home, I’m tired and all I want to do is sleep. I connect my phone to the charger but leave it turned off. I don’t want to hear the incessant ding of incoming texts. I’m sure by now, mine and Greyson’s wedding picture has been shared all over social media. Curiosity gets the best of me, so I log into my laptop and do a generic search on Greyson. The second I hit the button, our picture is all I see.

Mouth gaping, I scroll down through all the different media sites that have covered our wedding story. There are so many headlines.

Real or fake? Is Greyson Jennings married?

Enemies to lovers. Greyson Jennings and sister of archenemy Bryan Nelson are married.

Sorry, ladies. Your #1 Sexiest golf bachelor is TAKEN!

Congratulations to the new Mrs. Greyson Jennings!

The list goes on and on. Our picture already has millions of likes and thousands of comments. Greyson hasn’t posted that it was all a joke yet. As I look at the picture, my mother’s words come back to haunt me. The look on Greyson’s face as he stared at you wasn’t malicious. It’s of a young man in love. It’s not hard to see.

I can still feel Greyson’s lips on mine as he kissed me, and the way his hands gently caressed my skin as he made love to me. I want Eli to be right about him, that it was all just stupid words Greyson said. Just words and that’s it. Because the man I was with last night would never do that to me. Or would he?

The next morning, I call my supervisor at the hospital and request to come in. I’m actually supposed to still be on vacation, but I need to work to get my mind off of things. It’ll be a welcome distraction. My phone is charged, but I have yet to turn it on. By now, not only does the world know about Greyson and I getting married, but I have no doubt my friends at the hospital do as well.

Then again, there could be a slim chance that no one got on the internet over the past couple of days. When I show up at the hospital and see the balloons with the words Congratulations and Happily Married on them in the break room, I know I’m screwed. Luckily, Lindy, a fellow nurse and friend is the only one in the room.

Lindy rushes up to me and flings her

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