Darkmore Penitentiary 2 - Caroline Peckham Page 0,49

time with the big, sinful as fuck Incubus?" I mocked. "You may be as straight as an arrow, boss man, but you can't have missed how freaking hot he is. And his dick is huge, not to mention he knows exactly how to use it." A vein had begun to pulse at Cain's temple and it was only getting more violent the longer I spoke. "And he seriously knows how to use that tongue of his too. I mean, shit, it gets me wet just thinking about him and how hard his cock can-"

"Enough," Cain snapped, the vein at his temple pulsing with barely contained rage. "Tell me about this then." He unbuttoned his cuff to show me the curse mark on his inner wrist. The vines seemed longer now, curving away from the rose up his forearm with a second small bud alongside the first flower.

"Maledizione della luna," I purred, my lips hooking up into a delicious smile. "You're moon cursed, boss man. Take it up with her."

His lips parted on what I was sure was going to be a really firm telling off, but his radio blared to life, saving me from the lecture.

"Cain?" Warden Pike's voice came over it. "I need a quick word in my office."

Cain gritted his teeth and I smirked at him. "Run along, boss man...although, if you have a boss then I guess that means you're not a boss man, right? So what does that make you?"

"I won't be long," Cain muttered, leaning over the table and casting a magical chain to connect my left manacle to the table, making sure I couldn’t leave. "Try not to get up to anything while I'm gone."

"Aye Aye, Captain Stronzo," I agreed, saluting him with my right hand and he narrowed his eyes at me before shooting out of the room. "And in answer to my question, I think that makes you the little bitch man," I added, knowing he'd be able to hear me with his bat ears and chuckling to myself. It seemed like I'd found a new favourite hobby. Asshole baiting.

I was about to start cursing him for leaving me chained to a table like a dick, when I spotted his last cinnamon bun and his mug of coffee.

Waste not, want not, stronzo. At least this torture had some perks.

I headed down the corridor as the cursed mark on my wrist began to throb and pain slithered out into my veins, making my fingers curl into a fist as I tried to fight it. The pain was rising though and this had happened before. So I ducked into the men’s restroom, pressing my back to the door just before the all-engulfing, blinding rush of agony seized me.

I clutched my arm to my chest, stifling a cry as the pain raced deeper into my body.

I was half aware that I’d fallen to my knees when the visions found me, scraped out from the darkest crevices of my mind. Where I tried to keep them away. But this curse made sure I stared my past in the face and watched myself become a monster over and over again.

I suddenly stood looking down at the boy I’d once sworn to protect, his eyes wide and hopeful, full of all the trust I’d betrayed.

“No,” I ground out, trying to force the image away, but the damned curse had other ideas as it drew me back to the place where I’d spent most of my youth. The rafters in the old theatre were filled with young boys and girls and a shadow lurked in the corner where he slept. That shadow seemed to grow and fear gripped me as I realised what night this was. The moonlight seemed to slip away through the window as he picked out his victims for tonight’s games. And I was one of them.

The curse loosened its hold on me before I had to relive that night again and I found myself panting on the restroom floor, feeling the fear I’d felt back then as sharply as if it was happening now.

I pushed myself upright, blinking hard to clear my head then ripping back my sleeve to check the mark. The silver rose had grown again, the thorny vines curling around its base now and reaching a little further up my arm.

What has she done to me?

I moved to the sink, splashing my face with cold water and stuffing away those old memories, forcing them into the back of my head and wishing

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