Darkmore Penitentiary 2 - Caroline Peckham Page 0,48

I hoped it burned him up with want and need and tortured him as often as possible.

"You aren't leaving here until I get some answers," he said in a low, dark voice which had the hairs along the back of my neck standing to attention, but I still refused to turn. It wasn't like being able to face him made any real difference to my chances against him if he attacked me anyway. I didn't have access to my magic or Order form, so I was already a dead girl walking if that was what he wanted.

"Cry me a river, stronzo. I don't owe you shit,” I said, inspecting my nails which were actually chewed to crap after my time in the hole and just pissed me off so I dropped them into my lap again fairly sharpish.

Cain snarled in warning which seemed like the perfect moment for me to reach across the table and snag one of his cinnamon buns. The second I bit down on it, he was back around the table, striking the wood with his baton in some attempt to frighten me, but I just arched an eyebrow at him as I continued to eat...and moan...and suck sugar from fingers suggestively.

"Problem?" I asked sweetly.

"I'm going to give you a choice of which subject you want to tackle first and then I'm going to be getting some answers, Twelve," Cain said, choosing to ignore the food theft and I had to wonder why. He'd never let me get away with shit like this before. Hell, he'd never given me anything like this before. Was the scary Vampire feeling like an asshole? Or maybe it was all just a ploy to get me to open up. A little bribe to get me feeling generous. Good luck with that, stronzo.

"Tit for tat, boss man," I purred. "If you expect something from me then I'm going to be wanting something in return."

Cain dropped down into his chair again, scowling at me so hard I was surprised he could even see me. I batted my eyelashes and took a long sip of coffee in response. He really could have done with a few lessons from my papa about how to keep your emotions hidden - not that I'd recommend those to anyone, but if there was one asshole in this world who I might be persuaded to send for them, it would be him.

"I want to know what you were doing down by Psych when the Belorian got free," he began and I couldn't help the twinge of curiosity in me at that question because instead of sounding like he was worried I'd discovered some secret he was a part of covering up, it sounded a hell of a lot like he had no idea about what happened down in that hell. "I want to know what the fuck this curse that you put on me does and how the hell I'm supposed to get rid of it. I want to know why you were down on the maintenance level that day I caught you in there. And why you're wasting your time fraternising with Sin Wilder."

"So, just to be clear, you don't wish to discuss the subject of you grinding your dick into me at every given opportunity or the way the mere thought of biting me gets you hard?" I asked innocently and his upper lip curled back to reveal his lengthening fangs.

"I won't let you sit here and disrespect me like that, Twelve, if I have to warn you again, you'll regret it."

"So what you’re saying is that if I were to slip out of this jumpsuit and bend over the table for you, that would go against your wishes?" I fingered one of the buttons on my orange jumpsuit as if I might actually do it and he swallowed thickly.

"Stop trying to distract me. I'm not some doe eyed moron ready for you to Bedazzle with your pouty lips and perky tits,” he growled but the roughness to his voice was enough to let me know he’d rather enjoyed that little visual. The cold, hard, carnivorous look in his eyes coupled with that tone had my nipples hardening too, but I’d never admit that to him. Besides I hated him too much to even consider hate fucking him so my tits could forget about that idea. “Let's start with an easy one. Why are you cosying up to Eighty-Eight?"

"You're seriously asking me why I'm eager to spend

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