Darkmore Penitentiary 2 - Caroline Peckham Page 0,176

dusted himself off and came to stand behind me. He started massaging my shoulders and it felt kinda nice so I allowed it as I went on. “So, once the riot is underway we all need to make our way down here. But don't be obvious about it and make sure the guards aren't watching you. Jerome is going to hack into the prison systems and set the guards’ quarters onto lockdown. That means that the guards who aren't on shift won't be able to get out of there to come and help calm the carnage and it should mean the rioting will go on even longer. That's good, because we want to have as long as possible before they can take the count. Once that happens, they'll be on our asses so we need to be quick. We get here and we follow Plunger into the tunnel which he's digging to the surface."

"What if one of us is detained by the guards?" Brett asked and I shrugged.

"Not my problem. Anyone who doesn't show up gets left behind. The only ones we won't leave without are me, Sin and Roary."

"What makes you three so special?" Gustard sneered and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Jerome won't help lock the guards away and block the outgoing calls to the FIB unless we get Sin out for him. Dante won't down the fence unless he sees me and Roary. And that's the final barrier. The outer fence is lethal to touch and burrows underground surrounding the entire prison in a dome. The one and only gate is too well guarded for us to try and escape through that, so instead we have a Storm Dragon on call to fry the fence."

"And what if he can't?" Gustard drawled. "What if we get all the way out there to the fence and find he can't bring it down?"

"If you doubt my cousin's power then feel free to stay behind, stronzo," I purred. "I really don't mind if you do."

"What do we do once the fence is down?" Sonny asked, his eyes glimmering with excitement.

"Shift and run," I said with a grin. "We need to get about a mile out so that it's safe for Dante to land and he will be waiting there for us with stardust. He'll take us to a secondary location and at that point, I will wish you all well and disappear out of your lives for good."

"We'll be on our own?" Esme asked nervously.

"It's safer that way," I said in a soft voice. "But if you head to Alestria and find the Oscuras I'm sure we will find our way back to each other one day. But initially I'm going to leave with my cousin, Sin and Roary." My gaze flicked to Ethan's and his brow pinched into a frown, but unsurprisingly, he didn't speak up in protest.

"Are you going to tell us where this secondary location is?" Gustard asked irritably. "Not all of us have Orders who can shift into a creature that can run a long distance."

"Well that's not my problem," I replied with a shrug. "I promised to get you out, not drag your one-eyed ass back to your mommy's house. I'm sure you'll figure it out."

He snarled at me but I ignored him. I didn't have any intention of taking him that far anyway. And I was going to tell all of the others exactly where the secondary location was in private so that they could arrange for people to meet them. Pudding had already made enough transmitters for them to make the calls to firm up the arrangements with no chance of the guards listening in.

"Okay, we've wasted enough time so get back to work," I commanded, pushing to my feet and making Sin release me.

I watched as Gustard strode away to take up a watch position by the door like the lazy bastardo he was, and Sin followed Plunger to the tunnel while the rest of the group continued with the renovations for our cover story.

Ethan headed away to get some boxes of books and I hurried after him, catching his hand and tugging him away from everyone else into the stacks. We had shit to sort out and I was done playing the waiting game with his fears.

"Are you fucking the Incubus?" he growled as I pulled him along and I snorted derisively before turning back to him.

"Do you still have that fake mate of yours sleeping in your cell?" I tossed back.


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