Darkmore Penitentiary 2 - Caroline Peckham Page 0,144

I never got a proper look at his face. He stabbed me a few times, but I obviously scared him off. Dunno who it was, I guess the adrenaline had me thinking of only Shadowbrook. I wouldn’t say I’m a hero or anything, but…”

“Baps on a bagel,” Mother Brenda breathed and I opened my eyes, doing a mental sweep of my body which felt fine thankfully. I should’ve known I’d be okay. Ethan Shadowbrook didn’t die bleeding out on the floor of a fucking shower room. “That must have frightened the rabbits out of you.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Sin agreed seriously and I turned my head, spotting him sitting on a hospital bed across from mine, his legs folded up beneath him and a lolly pop in his mouth. Is he kidding me right now? “I shat out at least three bunnies.”

Mother Brenda laughed, straightening her nurse’s uniform as she patted his arm like they were on friendly terms.

I cleared my throat, drawing their attention and Brenda’s eyes widened as she hurried over. “How are you feeling? I had to give you a blood regeneration potion, it can cause a little nausea on account of the eckle worms in it.”

I wrinkled my nose. “I’m fine.” My eyes shot to Sin again, accusation pouring from me. But I was no snitch, I wasn’t going to tell the truth even though the asshole had almost killed me.

“Lucky Sin was there to fight off that dastardly Daniel who attacked you,” Mother Brenda said, throwing a warm smile at Sin like he was my fucking saviour.

“Yeah,” I gritted out. “Real lucky.”

“I think he needs a lollipop, Brenda,” Sin said firmly and she chuckled, nodding her agreement before hurrying over to her desk and opening the top drawer.

“Strawberry or cola?” she asked me and I peeled my eyes away from Brenda who was waving one of each at me. Why the fuck did she even keep those here? There weren’t any kids in Darkmore. Except the two hundred pound psychotic, tattooed bastard sitting across from me apparently.

“Strawberry,” I chose, because turning down a rare treat like that in prison was moronic. I was still angry when she passed it to me, but I unwrapped it and stuck it in my mouth all the same. Oh fuck balls that’s good.

I worked over what had happened up in the showers and my rage sharpened again. How the fuck had he shifted into my girl? How had he used his Order? Why the fuck had he attacked me? Then himself??

“You boys can have a little winkle time.” Brenda winked. “I need to go fill a report in for the warden.”

“Winkle time?” I muttered as she stepped out of the door and locked it.

“She means rest time obviously,” Sin said like he spoke fluent crazy. And oh yeah, he did.

“Why the fuck did you do this? And how did you do it?” I growled, speaking around my lollipop as I slid off the bed and realised I was in a hospital gown which billowed open at the back, letting a cool breeze chill my bare ass. Sin was dressed in a fresh jumpsuit and there was another one waiting for me at the end of my bed with some underwear.

“I did it for Rosalie,” he said unhelpfully. “And I just stole a dose of the Order Suppressant antidote Plunger’s been using so I could shift. It wasn’t that hard. The effects have already worn off. Did you like what you saw?”

“You should be in Psych, I dunno why they let crazies like you stay in gen pop.” I pulled on the socks then picked up the boxers just as Sin came up behind me and spoke in my ear, the scent of a cola lollipop reaching me from his mouth.

“I wouldn’t go putting those boxers on just yet, kitten,” he purred and I threw my elbow back to make him move the fuck away from me. There was no camera in here, but it would be pretty fucking obvious who’d attacked Sin if I laid into him. But by the stars, he was marked. He wasn’t going to get away with what he’d done to me.

“What the hell are you planning?” I growled.

“Well, I wasn’t planning on taking a field trip to see the moon from the top of Buttcrack Canyon,” he said. “But the moon is definitely out and looking rather peachy tonight.” He slapped my ass and I wheeled around, throwing my palms into his chest with a furious

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