The Darkest Torment - Gena Showalter Page 0,164

a room, will his balls literally turn blue? Will his cock spontaneously explode?

Achilles’ heel: Sienna Blackstone, the new keeper of Wrath

Placement: Second string...unless I need an assassin to infiltrate a woman’s bedroom.


Demon: Formerly Wrath

Height: 6’6"

Hair: Military-cropped, brown

Eyes: Violet

Tramp stamp: Butterfly in the middle of his back, and the name Olivia tattooed over his heart, plus countless others—all hold special meaning to him

Other distinguishing marks: Hugely muscled. He used to have a pair of black gossamer wings that could be hidden behind slits in his back when not in use. He has two eyebrow rings.

Preferred weapon: He doesn’t discriminate but embraces any weapon at his disposal. My kind of guy.

Demon naughtiness: n/a

Note to self: Could be fun to secretly give him another demon, placing him under my reign. Food for thought.

Notable background: He was beheaded and given a new body by the Sent Ones. His wife, Olivia, is a fallen Sent One. His ties are to Team Good.

Achilles’ heel: His wife and a former demon minion Legion

Placement: A possible cut


Demon: Disease

Height: 6’5"

Hair: Silver-white, shoulder-length (brows are black)

Eyes: Green

Tramp stamp: Onyx butterfly framed in crimson, located on his stomach. At certain angles, the entire tattoo appears black.

Other distinguishing marks: He wears long black gloves like a Victorian maiden. He’s ugly as hell and witless. Carries the All-key inside him, which means he can’t be confined in any way—I’m sure there’s a reason that trait sucks ass and I’ll think of it soon.

Preferred weapon: Does it matter? He can’t fight worth a damn.

Demon naughtiness: Disease is responsible for a myriad of plagues that resulted in thousands of casualties. He is also at the root of cancer and all additional pestilence, most recently the dreaded Ebola pandemic.

Notable background: The warrior used to think he couldn’t touch another living being skin-to-skin without infecting him/her/it with disease, not knowing he simply had to share his blood or semen to create an immunity. Idiot! Also, he’s engaged to my former fiancée.

Achilles’ heel: His woman, who used to be my woman. Long live the Red Queen!

Placement: I have no room for him on my team. I’ll kill him at my earliest convenience. I’ll get the Red Queen’s permission to kill him at my earliest convenience. I’ll pretend he doesn’t exist.


Demon: Doubt

Height: 6’7"

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Gold-brown

Tramp stamp: Violet butterfly on right rib cage and waist

Other distinguishing marks: Rough-hewn face. Wears a necklace given to him by Baden, former keeper of Distrust.

Preferred weapon: He used to rely on knives, guns, throwing stars et al, but now prefers to unleash his Harpy bride. He finds her methods of killing amusing. I must concur.

Demon naughtiness: Whispers insecurities into the ears of anyone within reach and causes crippling—at times life-threatening—self-doubt. Responsible for multiple suicides.

Notable background: His demon tortured me when I was a child, something he must answer for. He can project his voice into the minds of others (human and immortal).

Achilles’ heel: His single-minded devotion to Gwendolyn the Timid, his Harpy wife. Can’t see great distances. Left knee was injured centuries ago and didn’t heal correctly.

Placement: Rip out his demon, kill it with my bare hands. Demon can be used to my advantage. First string. Lucifer’s biggest weakness is his pride. If I can prick it...


Demon: Lies

Height: 6’3"

Hair: Dyed metallic blue

Eyes: Blue, kohl-rimmed

Tramp stamp: Butterfly on his right thigh, a pair of red lips on his neck, and a pair of eyes above his heart. On his waist, the words “To part is to die” are tattooed above a bouquet of red flowers.

Other distinguishing marks: Multiple piercings and general Goth appearance.

Preferred weapon: All of them. He has no specific preference, using whatever is nearby.

Demon naughtiness: Lies has infiltrated politics worldwide, resulting in false promises from world leaders and the disintegration of modern society. The demon has even convinced most of the human race “white lies” are harmless. He is insidious. Devious.

Notable background: Warrior is unable to tell the truth without experiencing terrible pain. He’s had his feet and hands removed at different points in his life, actions I’ve experienced as well. Like mine, his appendages grew back.

Achilles’ heel: Am I a broken record? His woman. Scarlet, the keeper of Nightmares. Also, he vomits when he’s flashed and he’s afraid of spiders.

Placement: Despite his insidious deviousness, can I trust him? Requires further thought.


Demon: Misery

Height: 5’7"

Hair: Long, black

Eyes: Silver

Tramp stamp: Glittery butterfly on her lower back, with wings that spread around to both hips

Other distinguishing marks: Her voice drips with the sorrows of the world. There is an oval-shaped mole on her right hip.

Preferred weapon: Copyright 2016 - 2024