The Darkest Torment - Gena Showalter Page 0,163

you’re good enough to make my team, congrats. You win an award: you get to keep your head. If you prove unworthy, well, you’ll get benched and benched players get cut. Literally.

Now it’s time to decide which of the Lords of the Underworld qualify...

—Hades, the king other kings fear


Demon: Violence

Height: 6’4"

Hair: Black

Eyes: Violet when (almost) happy, red when angry

Tramp stamp: Scarlet butterfly on his upper left shoulder, wrapping around to his back

Other distinguishing marks: The demon’s skeletal face is visible through Maddox’s skin when the two are angered. (Side note: Emotions are for pussies.)

Preferred weapon: Fists

(Note to self: Ask him if he enjoys a good fisting. Try to keep a straight face.)

Demon naughtiness: Stabbed Pandora to death, which led to the disappearance of the box. In modern society the offspring of Violence is responsible for street-gang warfare, rape, murder and terrorism.

My thoughts: Rape will never be tolerated within my ranks. The demon must be eliminated—through violence? Hmm. A paradox. A new puzzle to solve.

Warrior’s background: When he killed Pandora, he was cursed to die every night only to be resurrected the next day, knowing he had to die again. The curse was broken through “love.”

What is love?

He still erupts into fits of violence. He’s volatile and highly dangerous. I’m beginning to like him. He enjoys classical music and carving.

An-n-nd there goes the like.

Achilles’ heel: Technology. Emotional attachment to human female Ashlyn Darrow, former para-audiologist for the World Institute of Parapsychology. Also his twin children, Urban and Ever.

(Note: Kids are dirty little creatures. Avoid!)

Placement: Second string


Demon: Death

Height: 6’6"

Hair: Black, shoulder-length

Eyes: Mismatched—one brown (normal eye) and one blue (allows him to see into the spiritual world)

Tramp stamp: Black butterfly on his upper left shoulder and front of chest

Other distinguishing marks: One side of his face is covered in scars. He emits a strong odor of roses—a drugged scent that calms a soul just before he escorts it to the afterlife.

Preferred weapon: Knives with poisoned tips

Demon naughtiness: Death ushers souls into hell like a boss.

Side note: Rumors suggest there are humans who don’t consider Death a demon. They call his actions a “natural progression of life.” Ridiculous! Humans weren’t created to die but to live forever. I like that they’re so blinded from the truth, however. Perhaps I should send demons out to ensure these rumors grow. The more a human thinks death is natural, the less that human will fight when I choose to add his—or her—soul to my army.

Warrior’s background: Calm and stoic, the former Captain of the Immortal Guard (Zeus’s army). He’s the one who disfigured his face. He did it centuries ago in a fit of rage, indicating an unstable temperament and a harmful nature. His spirit can slip in and out of his body with ease. He can flash. He has been called The Dark One, Malach ha-Maet, Yama, Azreal, Shadow Walker, Mirya, and King of the Dead. He’s the one who opened Pandora’s box after it was stolen.

Achilles’ heel: Three of note. The first, when his soul leaves his body, his flesh is vulnerable. The second, his attachment to Anya, minor Greek goddess of Anarchy. He has abilities he hasn’t even tapped into yet, probably because he has no idea he has them. Once I teach him...

Placement: First string


Demon: Pain

Height: 6’5"

Hair: Dark brown

Eyes: Brown

Tramp stamp: A ruby, onyx, and sapphire butterfly on his chest and neck

Other distinguishing marks: Deeply tanned skin; frequently sports scabs caused by self-mutilation

Preferred weapon: Daggers, sword, guns

Demon naughtiness: Physical pain and suffering throughout the ages. Acts of random cruelty.

Notable background: He goes to amazingly excruciating lengths to cause himself pain, i.e. jumping off rooftops and cutting his flesh.

Achilles’ heel: Once again, an attachment to a female. Danika Ford, the All-seeing Eye. He throws up when flashed. He needs some kind of physical pain at least once an hour.

Placement: First string


Demon: Promiscuity

Height: 6’8"

Hair: Varying shades of brown and black

Eyes: Blue

Tramp stamp: Butterfly on his lower back

Other distinguishing marks: Pale skin. He’s widely regarded as the most physically “appealing” of all the Lords. I call foul. None of the warriors can compare to me.

Preferred weapon: Sword. (The one in his pants? Snicker.)

Demon naughtiness: Out-of-wedlock pregnancy¸ sexually transmitted diseases and infidelity. He can use his voice to project images into a human mind. He can emit the scent of chocolate and champagne to attract a lover.

Notable background: Without frequent physical release, he’s weakened. He passes out when flashed.

Note to self: Might be fun to experiment. If I hack off his arms and lock him inside Copyright 2016 - 2024