The Darkest Hour - By Maya Banks Page 0,56

her. “Come here.”

She went willingly, seeking his comfort, wanting the truth but also hoping it eased her mind.

When she was settled in the crook of his arm, he nudged her head until it was pillowed on his shoulder.

“Ethan is a stubborn son of a bitch. There was never a doubt about that. He’s butted heads with every one of us. You included. But he loved—loves—you. Don’t ever doubt that. You were just right for him. No other way to put it. You were calm when he had the tendency to get all worked up over things. You centered him.”

“My nightmare was about us,” she admitted. “In it he was angry. Really angry. I don’t know about what. But I was so . . . afraid. Scared. Not that he’d hurt me but that he didn’t love me, that he didn’t want me. Why would I dream something like that?”

He tightened his hold on her and kissed the top of her head. “You’re scared, sweet pea. We’re a bunch of strangers to you. You’re suddenly thrust back into a world you can’t remember. I can only imagine how frightening that has to be. I’d be amazed if you weren’t having nightmares about all of us.”

She sighed, her chest caving a little in relief. He made so much sense.

“But there’s something you need to know,” he continued. “Ethan was devastated when he lost you. Not a day has passed that he hasn’t mourned for you. He damn sure didn’t stop loving you. He’s scared too, Rachel. Scared out of his mind that he’ll do or say the wrong thing, that he’ll hurt you or that, God forbid, he’ll lose you again.”

“I’m not the only one hurting,” she murmured.

“No,” he agreed.

“Thank you,” she said simply. “I’ll remember that. I’m glad he went to see his mom. She must be worried about him.”

“We all are. We’re worried about you both.”

Her hands shook, and she clasped them tighter around her water glass to control her nerves.

“Will you take me to him?” she asked.

Garrett hesitated. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea. He won’t be long. I can call him to come back. He’s just five minutes away.”

She gave him a perplexed look. Her brows scrunched together as she studied him. “Why not?”

“We don’t want to overburden you too fast. Ethan has a big family. There are a lot of us,” he said tactfully. “It can be overwhelming.”

“I’m okay,” she insisted. “I want . . . I want to see them. Maybe I’ll remember something. Besides I don’t want to keep Ethan from his family because he worries I’m going to freak out. I can only imagine how worried everyone has been for him.”

“And you, sweet pea,” Garrett said gently. “We’re most worried about you.”

“Will you take me to him?”

He inhaled through his nose, his big chest puffing outward, and then he released his breath in a long exhale, his chest sinking.

“Okay. I’ll drive you over. Ethan might kick my ass over it.”

She eyed him doubtfully. “You’re bigger than Ethan.”

His teeth flashed as he grinned. “But Ethan’s meaner.”

She raised her hand to her lips as laughter spilled out. Then her eyes widened in surprise to hear the sound.

“Ahh, sweet pea, that sure does sound good. Come on. Mom and Dad will be so glad to see you. If we’re lucky, the rest of the clan is still over at my place, so you won’t be subject to everyone at once.”


THEY weren’t so lucky.

Garrett sighed when he pulled into his mom and dad’s driveway to see that the yard resembled a used truck lot. Not only were Nathan and Joe back, but it appeared they’d brought Sam and Donovan with them.

He glanced over at Rachel, who sat quiet and pale in the passenger seat. Her fingers were balled tight in her lap, and she stared at the front door as if she expected it to explode. And hell, maybe it would.

After pulling to a stop behind Ethan’s truck, Garrett cut the engine then reached over to take Rachel’s fist. Carefully he pried her fingers open until he stroked the length of her hand reassuringly. He wasn’t even sure she noticed.

“I can turn around and take you back home,” he offered.

Finally she turned to look at him, her eyes deep and haunted. “No. I can do this. Maybe I’ll remember something.”

He had to admire her courage. His family was enough to make him run screaming like a girl on a good day. Facing them when they were Copyright 2016 - 2024