The Darkest Hour - By Maya Banks Page 0,55

day they told us Rachel died.”

“I’m sorry,” Ethan said as he cupped the back of his father’s head. “I never meant to scare you or Ma. But we couldn’t tell you. Not until we were sure. I’d never get your hopes up like that.”

“So it’s really her? She’s home?” his dad asked hoarsely.

“She’s home,” Ethan said, allowing the joy of that statement to flood his chest.

Now his mom’s eyes filled with tears again, and she raised her shaking hands to her face.

“Bring her to us soon, Ethan. Dinner. Just like old times. We won’t push her, I swear. Just let us see her. Everyone loves her so much.”

Ethan wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand and reached for her hand. “I will, Ma. Sunday, okay? Sunday dinner just like old times. The family will be together again.”

“Praise God,” she breathed out. “Oh, Ethan, it’s a miracle. You’ve been given such a precious gift.”

He smiled at her, touching her damp cheek with his fingers. “I know. I won’t screw it up this time.”

She frowned at that, but he turned to his father before she could question his meaning.

“I’m really sorry we scared you. Things happened so fast. If it was Rachel, we had to get in there fast, and if it wasn’t, we didn’t want you to go through the loss all over again.”

“It’s okay, son. The important thing is my boys and my daughter are home again where they belong. I can’t ask for more than that.”

“Let me fix you something to eat,” Marlene said as she bustled around the counter toward the fridge. “You can take leftovers home for Rachel.”

He hedged, checking his watch. He’d already been gone half an hour.

“She’ll be fine with Garrett,” his mom said in a quiet, understanding voice. “You need a break, Ethan. Let me feed you. You probably haven’t eaten a thing I’ve sent over since you’ve been home.”

“When have I ever turned down your cooking, Ma?”

She smiled when he cracked a grin.

“That’s better. Now sit. Talk to your father while I whip up supper. Garrett will call if she needs you and you can be home in less than five minutes.”

THE dream was the same. Ethan was angry, his features drawn into a dark cloud. Despair washed over her in waves, and a feeling of helplessness assaulted her. More powerful than her fear of her captors. No, that was in the past. Now she faced something worse.

Was it a nightmare? Some terrible image fueled by her fears and insecurities, or was she remembering more about her life with Ethan?

She twisted, held captive to her dreams. A tortured moan escaped her over and over, and all she could think was He doesn’t love you. It’s not real.

“Rachel. Rachel. Wake up, sweet pea. You’re dreaming. Come back to me.”

She shrank away from the soft croon, and her eyes fluttered open. She blinked rapidly as Garrett’s face came into view. Relief staggered her, and she felt sick that she was relieved it wasn’t Ethan kneeling next to the couch.

She grabbed at his hand and clutched tightly, her heart threatening to beat right out of her chest.

“Hey, are you okay?”

She nodded but she kept her fingers wrapped tight around his hands as she struggled to sit up.

Garrett helped her and then slid onto the couch to sit next to her, his arm hung loosely around her shoulders.

“Ethan’s over at Mom’s, but he’ll be back soon. I can call him if you need him.”

She shook her head. “No. I’m fine. Really.”

“Can I get you something? You hungry?”


He rose and with a concerned look in her direction walked into the kitchen. A few seconds later he returned with a glass of water. She took it from his outstretched hand and drank thirstily.

After a few moments some of the blackness of her dreams receded, and she could breathe easier. She held the glass in both palms and rested the bottom on her knee as she stared straight ahead, trying to collect her scattered thoughts.

“Rachel? Are you sure you’re all right? That seemed like a really bad dream.”

Her mouth lifted in a half smile. Then she glanced over at him, easing a little more at the worry in his eyes.

“Tell me about Ethan,” she said softly.

Garrett’s brows came together in confusion.

“About me and Ethan,” she corrected. “Were we happy? Did he . . . did he love me?”

Garrett sucked in a deep breath and then he leaned back on the couch. He held out his arms to Copyright 2016 - 2024