Darker II The Inquirer - M. S. Parker Page 0,74

massaged my scalp and drew a moan. His response was to tighten his grip on my hair, giving me little zings of pain that made my stomach twist with pleasure.

Damn. I was getting turned on by giving him head, something I’d never have dreamed was possible. I squeezed my legs together.

“Are you wet, little firebird?” When I didn’t answer, he asked it again. “Are you wet?”

“Yes,” I whispered before returning to suck the tip of him.

“Then touch yourself.” He groaned. “Fuck, Nyx. Touch yourself. Make yourself come with me.”

I didn’t think about it. Didn’t let myself think about any of it. I gave myself over to everything that was building inside me and shoved my hand into my pants. It wasn’t easy working with one hand, but I was able to get my fingers where I wanted them. I rubbed my clit as I pulled him back into my mouth, sucking hard enough to make him squirm.

As he cursed and called out my name, I lost myself in the haze of pleasure, letting the pressure and friction from my fingers mix with the pain of him pulling my hair. The weight of him on my tongue, the taste of him, did something to me, and as he warned me that he was coming, I took as much of him as I could into my mouth, tightening my lips around him.

He came with a shout, and I pressed my fingers hard against my clit, letting the sensation carry me over the edge, even as I swallowed everything he gave me. I kept him in my mouth as my climax flooded over me, sucking on him until he tugged on my hair to signal that he’d had enough.

My muscles were weak as I raised my head to look up at him. He took my face between his hands and pressed his lips to mine in a slow, sweet kiss. Then he kissed my forehead and pulled me up onto his lap.

“Thank you.” He kissed the side of my neck. “Thank you for giving me that. For trusting me.”

As he wrapped his arms around me, and I settled against his chest, I knew things between us had shifted. And I wasn’t nearly as scared as I always thought I would be. I was safe with him.



Since we were at my place, it only seemed fair I make him breakfast, but getting out of bed was harder than it should have been. Unlike the double in Bradyn’s cabin, my bed was a single, and it’d always been barely enough for me.

Even by himself, Bradyn would’ve been cramped. With two of us, we hadn’t really had an option that didn’t involve us being all tangled up together. Surprisingly, it hadn’t bothered me. Sure, if I had to sleep like this all the time, I’d probably hate it since stretching out wasn’t really possible, but for the here and now, I liked it. Hell, I liked it enough that I didn’t want to get up.

But I needed to go to the bathroom, and breakfast wasn’t going to make itself.

I stayed in the t-shirt and shorts I’d worn to bed, not even bothering to put on a bra. I rarely wore one when I was alone, and he’d seen me naked. If I felt comfortable enough with him to suck his dick, I could damn well walk around without a bra. The only thing I did do was brush out my hair and pull it back in a ponytail so it’d be out of my way.

I didn’t have much in the way of food since I hadn’t known when I’d be back, but I had frozen waffles and a bottle of maple syrup I always kept on hand for the times Rose came over. That girl loved her waffles. I’d buy more when I came back for good.



Between all the shit that going to see Ambrose had stirred up and then coming here, I’d forgotten that I had a choice to make. This new information changed things. Or, at least, it could change things. Whether or not it actually did was up to me.

I shook my head. I wasn’t even close to being awake enough to deal with this. I needed coffee and food. After that, I’d start with the decision-making.

I was refilling my coffee mug and pulling waffles from the toaster oven when Bradyn appeared in the kitchen. I was happy to see that he hadn’t put on a shirt or brushed his hair, but not

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