Darker II The Inquirer - M. S. Parker Page 0,73

thought about it, he’d figure out that I’d never met anyone’s family before. We didn’t need to talk about it.

“Bradyn, can you help me with my homework?” Rose asked. “Sitara’s going back to the shop, and Mom wants to talk to Nyx about you.”

“Rose,” Kaimi said sharply.

She shrugged. “What? It’s true.”

Bradyn looked at me, his lips twitching as he tried not to laugh. He stood up. “Come on, kiddo. Let’s do some homework.”

We took the subway home, and that was almost as amusing as watching Rose explaining Common Core math to him. Sure, he’d met my family – my real family – at the wedding but spending time with people at something like that was a ton different than hanging out with them at home. I hadn’t realized how nervous I’d been about today. If it hadn’t been a last minute kinda thing, I probably would’ve freaked out.

Now though, I was so glad he’d thought up coming here because I knew that the people I loved the most approved of him and liked him. And he liked them.

Today, more than anything else that had happened between Bradyn and me, made me think that this thing with us might not crash and burn after all. It also forced me to admit that I not only could trust him but that I wanted to trust him. I didn’t know if I’d be able to tell him that anytime soon, but I knew how I could show him.

I kicked off my shoes and closed the door, locking it behind me. Then, before I could lose my nerve, I reached out and grabbed the belt loops of his jeans. He’d barely managed to get his shoes off when I pulled him over to the couch. When I pushed him down onto it, his face wore a mix of surprise and confusion. It wasn’t until I knelt in front of him that his eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

I worked open his pants before he managed to recover and grab my wrists.

“You don’t need to do this, firebird.” His voice was gentle.

My eyes met his and held them as I said, “I want to. Let me.”

He groaned. “Fuck, Nyx. How am I supposed to be a gentleman when I’ve been dreamin’ about havin’ your mouth on me almost since the moment I set eyes on you?”

“Then don’t be a gentleman.” I looked down and focused on tugging his pants down far enough to let me get to his underwear. “Tell me that you want me to suck your cock. Tell me you want to fuck my mouth until you come.”

He cursed but didn’t try to stop me as I lowered the waistband of his underwear and freed his dick. He was only half-erect, but just that little bit of talking had gotten him this hard. It wouldn’t take much to get him all the way, but before he was too big and thick for me to handle much more than a couple inches, I’d try to get as close to all of him as I could.

I wrapped my fingers around him and pulled on him once, twice. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his hands curling into fists on either side of his thighs, and I smiled. For the first time, I understood the power I had through this.

“It’s okay to put your hands on my head,” I said as I bent down and took the tip of him between my lips.

His entire body jerked, and I ran my tongue around the head, getting a taste of him before I took all of him into my mouth.

“Fuck!” His hips bucked, and if he’d been completely erect, I would’ve gagged.

As it was, he was almost too big like this, and I could feel him swelling. With one hand on his thigh to keep me balanced, I licked and sucked him to the point where I had to back off, an inch at a time, until I wasn’t in danger of choking anymore. His hand came up to my head.

“Can…” His voice was rough. “Can I take your hair down?”

I let him slip out of my mouth and glanced up at him. “Yes.”

My hand moved over his thick shaft, and I used my tongue to trace the vein that ran along the bottom of it before licking a bead of pre-cum from the tip. As his fingers released my hair, it fell around my face, hiding me until he pushed it back. Strong fingers

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