Darker II The Inquirer - M. S. Parker Page 0,39

hell I was waiting around for someone who clearly didn’t want to be with me. Maybe I’d figure out why I thought she was worth all this…and probably more.

It didn’t take much to get me hard. Just the thought of Nyx joining me in the shower, drops of water beading on her skin, rolling down the slope of her breast to hang on the tip of one tight nipple. Another making a path down to her belly button, and then lower to disappear into dark curls.

I wrapped my hand around my cock and put the other on the wall to keep me balanced. The last thing I needed was to fall in the shower while jerking off. That would’ve been beyond embarrassing.

My grip was loose as I moved my fist over my dick and felt it thicken with the friction. I would’ve preferred her hand. Her mouth. Anything of hers she’d offer. The fantasy spun off from there.

She took my hand away and put hers in its place. A shiver ran up my spine as she ran her neat, short nails over my skin. Her thumb swiped across the top of my cock, taking a drop of pre-cum with it. Our eyes met, and she lifted her hand, licking her thumb clean.

I gripped her ass as she leaned into me, my fingers digging into her flesh as she licked a path from my bellybutton to my chest. When her hot mouth closed on my nipple, I cursed. Then she bit down, and the jolt of pain made me growl. I buried my hand in her hair, yanking her head back to give me access to her mouth.

Pulling her body flush against mine, I ravaged her mouth without an ounce of gentleness. Her nipples were hard little points, and she writhed in my arms, nails scratching down my back deep enough to mark me. I ran a finger between her ass cheeks, stopping to rub that puckered ring. She gasped, and I swallowed the sound.

I lifted her, and she wrapped her legs around me, my cock sliding into her with one smooth stroke. She threw her head back, begging me to take her, own her, make her mine. Our bodies moved with and against each other as I kissed my way down her throat. I wasn’t going to last long, not when we were skin-to-skin like this, but she’d come with me. I’d make sure of it.

Harder and harder, I drove into her, using gravity to my advantage. I couldn’t have filled her any deeper, but it wasn’t enough. I needed to make it so that she’d never be with any other man without thinking of how good this was between us. I wanted her to feel me for days, to know that no one would ever make her as complete as I did. She whimpered, and her body tightened around mine, warning me of her impending climax.

At the same moment I pulled her down on my cock as hard as I dared, I pushed the tip of my finger into her ass. She screamed my name, every muscle clamping down, and I followed her, losing myself in her as surely as I’d filled her with my release…

“Fuck,” I groaned as my cum disappeared down the drain.

This woman was going to be the death of me…and I’d never regret it.



Coincidence versus fate.

No one could believe in both, right? They were opposites. Either things just randomly happened, or they were meant to be. Except, where did assholes and manipulation come in? Was that a third option?

This philosophical shit had been running through my head ever since I’d left Bradyn’s cabin earlier this week. The high I’d gotten from the orgasms he’d given me had lasted long enough for me to put away my stuff for the night. I’d managed to fall asleep thinking about sex, but I’d been up at dawn, trying to figure out what it meant that my case, the man I’d been fucking, the people who own the place where I was staying, and my stepfather’s family’s law firm had all somehow managed to come together in fucking Savannah, Georgia.

I stared at the wall where I’d made my new list, like if I looked at it hard enough, the answers would magically appear.

‘Cuz that sort of shit had worked in other areas of my life.

Point one. I’d been hired by a law firm in New York to look into one of their client’s family history, which took me to

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