Darker II The Inquirer - M. S. Parker Page 0,31

the time the feathers became a phoenix on the back of her neck, she was squirming and making the sexiest little gasps and moans.

“My little firebird,” I whispered in her ear before lightly biting down on her earlobe. “Are you ready for me?”

I reached back and slid two fingers inside her. She yelped in surprise, but there was no pain in the sound. She was wet as she pushed back against my hand. I bit her shoulder, and she cursed.

“I’m in charge,” I reminded her. “You take what I give you.” I kissed the middle of her back. “I’ll get you there again.”

She made a frustrated sound but stopped moving. Well, she stopped trying to control how I was working my fingers into her. She didn’t stop squirming, but I wasn’t sure if she even could.

It didn’t matter. I wasn’t going to make her wait any longer because I couldn’t wait either.

I tipped her hips up to give me the angle I wanted and then slid inside with one smooth stroke. Her body shuddered under mine, muscles tensing, squeezing, and it was all I could do to keep from losing it. My fingers curled into the sheets on either side of Nyx’s waist, my knuckles turning white. I exhaled between clenched teeth and closed my eyes.

Starting line-up, Chicago Bulls, November 1, 1996. Ron Harper, Michael Jordan, Luc Longley, Scottie Pippen, Dennis Rodman. Playing against the Boston Celtics. Final score, 107 to 98.

Some guys recited baseball stats to get their minds off coming.

I liked 1990s basketball, specifically the Chicago Bulls. I didn’t have to use it very often, but it worked.

I opened my eyes and pulled back until just the tip remained inside her. Without a pause, I surged forward again, bringing us to that place where we were as close as two individuals could physically be. Keeping one hand on her hip, I grabbed her bound wrists to give me leverage and then took her with deep, relentless strokes that had her crying out, her fingers curling and flexing. Over and over, I drove into her, the angle letting my cock drag over her g-spot with every thrust.

“Bradyn, please!” Her voice shook with desperation. “I can’t…I can’t…I can’t…”

“You can.” I growled the words, the pressure inside me almost too much to stand. “Come again. Let me feel it.”

She shook her head, curses and unintelligible sounds pouring out of her, but not her safe words. She pulled at her restraints but didn’t do anything that would actually get her free, even though she knew what to do if that was what she really wanted.

She trusted me to get her where she wanted to go.

“Fuck.” I could feel myself losing it.

I slid the hand on her hip around and down until I could slip my fingers between her legs. Two circles around her clit, and then two taps were all it took to send her over the edge.

And not a moment too soon, either. I buried myself deep and followed.



Well, damn.

I stared up at the ceiling and tried to catch my breath. Even through the post-orgasmic haze, I was aware of Nyx next to me. I wanted to reach over and pull her to my side, but I wasn’t sure how she’d take it. As a Dom, it was my responsibility to take care of my sub, but I didn’t know if she’d consider that crossing a line or just being part of aftercare.

I was thinking too much.

“I’ll be right back,” I said as I pushed myself up. I grimaced as I pulled off the condom and dropped it in the trashcan next to the bed.

In the bathroom, I quickly cleaned myself off, then got a clean washcloth and wet it with warm water. I grabbed some lotion out of the closet and took that back into the bedroom with me. As I sat on the edge of the bed next to her, I held up the washcloth.

“May I?”

After a moment’s hesitation, she nodded. I didn’t say anything as I ran the cloth over her body, or even when I rubbed lotion into her wrists where the rope had been. She didn’t have any marks, and the rope itself was soft, but pretty much anything would chafe if you pulled at it long enough.

Only after I finished and crawled back into bed, this time pulling the sheet over us both, did I break the silence.

“Before you showed up in the barn, I’d intended to come find you.” I lay on my side,

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