Darker II The Inquirer - M. S. Parker Page 0,29

fingers jump and twitch. Her knees parted, making room for me to move closer.

The hand in her hair slid down her spine and then under the back of her shirt to move up again. She shivered, and her teeth scraped my bottom lip. I growled and bit into that soft flesh, hard enough to make her gasp. The time for gentle had passed, and I plundered her mouth until we were both out of air and had to stop. Even then, I didn’t let her go, just moved my lips down her jaw and throat, sucking and biting until her fair skin was marked.

A surge of possessive satisfaction went through me. She was mine, even if only for right now. I frowned. I didn’t like thinking that this would be it, but I’d messed up with her, and I didn’t know if I could fix it. Hell, I didn’t even know if things would’ve gone anywhere with us if we hadn’t argued. Still, I’d try. She’d put herself out there and had been stung. It was my turn to risk being hurt.

But not at this exact moment. I had other work to do here and now.

I slid my hand around her ribcage, and she caught her breath, making me smile. She was ticklish. I didn’t explore that more, but I did file it away for future consideration. Her skin was silk under my palm as I explored every inch of her body.

It was the middle of the afternoon, and I had another lesson before supper, but I wasn’t going to rush, even if it got me in trouble. Nyx needed more than just a quickie, and I had a feeling the Huxleys would understand that, even if they didn’t understand the exact nature of what Nyx needed.

I leaned back on my heels and pulled her toward me. If we hadn’t both still been wearing clothes, I could have slipped inside her right then. My stomach clenched at the idea of skin-to-skin contact. I’d always been careful when it came to sex, even more so after I caught my dad and Antoinette together. I honestly wasn’t sure I’d ever want to go without protection, no matter how serious things got between myself and my partner. But the idea of taking Nyx bare made my dick ache.

Fuck. What was this woman doing to me?

She rocked against me, the zipper from my jeans pressing painfully into my cock. Not enough to turn me off, but it gave me the edge I needed to keep from rushing. I put one hand on the small of her back, the other on her hip.

“Lean back,” I ordered. “I want to see you come like this.”

A momentary hesitation and then she did as she was told, trusting me to keep her from falling. Her face was flushed, pupils wide enough that the brilliant green of her irises was reduced to a thin ring.

“Hold on to my arms.”

She grabbed my forearms, nails scratching hard enough to make my cock twitch.

Fuck. If I wasn’t careful, I was going to come in my pants like some horny teenager.

“You can close your eyes if you want.” I pushed up against her, and she gasped. “Whatever you need to let go and let me take care of you.”

I rolled my hips, and at the same time, pulled her toward me. The moan she let out told me everything I needed to know. I repeated the movement once, then twice.

Her head tipped back, eyes closed, lips parted. My own pain and pleasure fell into the background as I focused everything on making her come. Her body moved with mine, guided by my hands, and her nails bit into my skin. She let out a little cry, her muscles tightening, and I jerked her hard against my cock, letting out a hiss of pain as the metal teeth of my zipper pressed through the cotton of my underwear into sensitive flesh.


Her whimpering my name as she came almost undid me. I gritted my teeth and pulled her up to me, wrapping my arms around her to hold her while the aftershocks of her climax washed over and through her.

I took out her braid and combed my fingers through the soft waves before massaging the back of her neck. When her trembling stopped, I kissed her temple and asked a question.


She pressed her face to the place where my neck and shoulder met, her breath hot against my already overheated skin. “Yes, please.”

I held her

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