Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,64

with me?

“And before you ask,” Talon continued, a slight smile pulling up the corner of his lip, “if you want to know more, you’ll have to talk to Vander about it.”

“Right.” I should’ve known he’d be hush-hush about whatever was going on with his werewolf bestie. There was another question burning at the back of my throat. “You and Vessa seem pretty close.” Deep crimson tinged his cheeks, and I immediately regretted my loose tongue. I hadn’t imagined it. There was something between them. I raised my hand as Talon’s jaw worked nervously. “Never mind. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“No, I might as well tell you now. I’m sure Vessa would have spilled eventually. She and I didn’t grow up together, not like Vander and I. When Vessa was young, her father sent her to live with his sister who had lost her only child. We saw her occasionally, but she was always more like a friend than a sibling. After I left for the SIA when I was eighteen, Vessa came to visit and things changed between us. We were together on and off for a while, but with my assignments moving me all around, we ended things a few years back.”

I slowly lifted my jaw, not sure when it had gaped open. Sure, he and Vessa weren’t related by blood but still… I decided now was not the time to delve into that story.

At least the momentary drama with Vessa and Vander had distracted me from my own depressing love life. Now that it had been cleared up, Talon’s overwhelming presence beside me was bringing back all the buried feelings. I wasn’t sure I could handle a one-on-one training session right now.

Before we made the turn toward the stairwell that led down to the basement, I slowed my pace. “Do you mind if we skip training today?” I leaned against the wall and sighed dramatically. “Sorry, I know you left your friends to spend this time helping me, but I’m kinda beat and I’d rather save my energy for the SIA tomorrow.”

His dark brow lifted, and I knew he wasn’t buying my act, but I didn’t care right now. A sweaty workout session with the broody dragon was the last thing I needed when I was trying to get over him.

“Are you sure?” He mirrored my position, sidling up to the wall beside me. “You haven’t gotten any training in since your injury. It could help you feel more like yourself again.”

An image of Talon shirtless, sweat dripping off his perfectly sculpted chest and trickling across carved abs solidified my decision. “I’m sure,” I rasped out. I couldn’t pine over him forever. Not when it was clear his feelings had only been a result of the blood bond.

I turned to continue down the hall to our cell, but Talon’s hand wrapped around my arm and hauled me back. “Azara, I want you to know that regardless of what’s going on with us, I’m still here for you. I want your assignment with the SIA to work out. You don’t belong in this place so don’t ruin your chances because of something stupid.”

Did he just call our almost relationship stupid? Anger burned through my veins, and a swirl of darkness uncoiled across my insides. I clenched my fists at my sides and inhaled a deep breath to keep my she-demon in check.

“I’m sorry.” Talon scrubbed his palm across the back of his neck. “That came out wrong. I don’t know why I’m having such a hard time expressing myself to you lately.”

“Yeah, me neither,” I snapped.

His lips twisted into a pout as a stretch of silence ensued.

Before it got too awkward, I wriggled free of his grasp and marched down the hallway. It was only ten in the morning, and I’d already had about enough of this day.

Chapter Twenty-Five

The sharp rattle of our clear enclosure jerked my thoughts from the spellcraft book spread across my lap. Lifting my gaze, my eyes landed on a sheet of paper pressed against the glass. Thick, black letters inked across the page froze the blood in my veins.

Delacroix is waiting.

It was only a matter of time before I’d have to pay the demon piper. Steeling my nerves, I refocused my gaze beyond the ominous message to the short messenger holding the paper against the glass. Dembrat. Pushing the book to the side, I crept off my bed with a quick glance over my shoulder. Talon was stretched across the top bunk, his light

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