Darkblood Prison - G.K. DeRosa Page 0,63

Vessa. I’m here now, and that’s all that matters.” Vander stroked the girl’s back and dropped a kiss on her forehead. “I love you, Sis.”

Sister? Oh…

“I love you more, you big idiot. I knew that assignment with that girl that was soo important was going to get you into trouble.”

I raised my hand awkwardly before things got even more uncomfortable. “Um, that girl is standing right here.”

Her eyes widened as they drifted over her brother’s shoulder and met mine. “Oh! Sorry.” She released Vander and ran her scrutinizing amber gaze over me. Long blonde curls spiraled down her shoulders, perfectly shaping her heart-shaped face. Shaking her head, as if she’d found me not quite to her standards, she swiveled toward Talon. “Thank you so much for bringing my big brother home, T.” She looped her arms over his head and nuzzled his neck.

What the heck? Wasn’t that a little too friendly for an adoptive sister?

Talon held her out to arm’s length and gave her a gentle smile. “I’d go to hell and back for either of you. You know that, right?”

She nodded and snagged her lower lip between her teeth, her eyes glossy.

Talon stepped back, and Vessa’s gaze locked on mine as I came into view. “So you’re the one. The one he’s spent the last two years protecting?”

Vander stiffened, and a low growl rumbled in his throat. “Vessa—"


“Just don’t.”

I was definitely missing an important part of this story, and I was going to get pissed if someone didn’t clue me in ASAP. I folded my arms over my chest and glanced up at Talon. He avoided my gaze, dipping his chin. Coward.

“Well,” I interjected when an uneasy silence swept the room, “this has been lovely and all, and I’m thrilled for you and your happy family reunion, but I’ve got some training to do.”

Talon’s fingers clamped around my upper arm before I could get away. “I’ll go with you. Just wait a second.”

I huffed out a breath and wiggled free from his grasp, then crept toward the doorway, preparing to make my escape.

“You’re leaving already, Talon? But I just got here. I was hoping the three of us could catch up.” Vessa stuck out her pouty lips and batted long, sooty lashes.

Oh, barf.

“I have to make sure Azara is prepared for her first session at the SIA tomorrow, but I’ll meet up with you guys later. How long are you staying?”

Yes, how long was the she-wolf staying?

She sighed dramatically and leaned back against the chair. “I’m not sure exactly. The trip from Marlwoods wasn’t exactly a quick one. Not all of us have wings to fly anywhere in the blink of an eye. But I doubt there’s a hotel nearby.”

“I’d be more than happy to open a por—” I started but Logan cut me off.

“You can stay in the staff quarters, Vessa. There’s plenty of room on the third floor. Please feel free to remain as long as you need. I’m sure you’d like to spend some time with your brother.”

“Oh, thank you, Logan. That’s so sweet of you.” She tossed him a brilliant smile.

“Great, then, it’s settled,” said Vander, who looked oddly uncomfortable throughout the entire exchange. “We’ll see you later, T.” He practically shoved him toward me and the door.

Yup, I was definitely missing something big.

I waved at Logan over my shoulder and hightailed it out of there. As soon as the door slammed behind us, I spun at Talon. “What was that about?”

“Huh?” He slid his hands into his pockets and stared down at the cement floor.

“That weirdness back there with Vessa? Why did it seem like Vander wanted us—or maybe just me, out of there?”

“Sometimes Vessa can be a little intense. He hasn’t seen her in a while, so he probably wanted to deal with her in private.”

I side-eyed him as we walked down the hallway. “And why does she hate me?”

He shook his head and grumbled. “It’s not personal. Ah, how to say this? Vander got a little obsessive with his assignment—with you. None of us knew who you were at the time, of course, but he disappeared for a while. Didn’t keep in touch with Vessa or me and his vanishing act hurt his sister. I’ve been undercover, and I know what it does to you so I didn’t take it seriously, but it was different with Vessa. That was probably the weird vibe you were feeling.”

Okay, that made a little more sense but also spiked hundreds of more questions. Vander was obsessed

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