This Dark Wolf (Soul Bitten Shifter #1) - Everly Frost Page 0,95

a gun and that Iyana can take down any opponent in a fist fight, Bridget’s skills are unknown to me. I’ve seen her grapple with her enemy in wolf form, but she didn’t overcome me with her combat skills yesterday.

“What is your strength?” I ask her bluntly before we leave the shadows under the bridge.

“I’m here to learn,” she says, awkwardly keeping her distance. “I’m a good defender. I can take a punch. I’m not too shabby with a blade. But I’m not as fast or as strong as you.”

It’s an honest answer that puts me more at ease. “Okay, then. Stay out of danger tonight. Only get involved if you feel confident about the situation you’re getting into. Whatever you do, don’t get in our way. Iyana, Danika, and I will train in the gym before we come out on patrol each day. You can join us if you like.”

She nods. “I’d like that, thank you.”

“Okay, let’s find our positions.”

Tristan pointed out the biggest challenge about defending the bridges today: Baxter Griffin can send whole convoys of his pack straight into the heart of Tristan’s territory within seconds. Worse, it’s difficult to scan for supernaturals in vehicles, so we need to be on high alert.

On top of that, we need to avoid being seen by humans. I’m already regretting my choice of clothing, since I’d blend in more easily in jeans.

After considering our options, we take up position in the shadows at the side of the building opposite the parking lot, deciding to remain as close as possible to the exit ramp. The parking lot extends across at ground level under both the exit and entrance ramps onto the bridge, which means we’ll have plenty of room if there’s a fight.

As the hours pass, we switch positions, alternating between the building to the left of the exit ramp and the second, smaller parking lot across the street, keeping to the shadows as much as possible.

I relax a little when the human population disappears and the stream of oncoming vehicles thins out as the night goes on.

Close to midnight, when the place is mostly deserted other than a sprinkling of parked cars, my senses prickle.

In the distance, Danika’s hawk swoops sharply toward an SUV speeding across the bridge.

Her hawk rises before it swoops again, scraping the top of the vehicle with her talons before rising into the air again. Whoever is in that vehicle will know they’ve been spotted.

We want them to know. They’ll be more likely to turn back if they think they’re going to meet resistance.

Her job done, Danika soars up and back toward the location where the duffel bag is hidden. She’ll dress and take up position in her human form as fast as she can. I need her to remain at a distance and cover us with sniper power as soon as possible.

Iyana steadies her own weapon, quietly settling into a crouched position beside me, her pistol resting on her forearm as she waits for the vehicle to come close enough to take her shot.

“I’ll fire a warning shot to the left of the front passenger,” she whispers. “We don’t want the vehicle to crash and draw attention, but we want them to know we’re serious.”

“Do it,” I say, watching the vehicle approach, counting the seconds before it’s near enough for Iyana to shoot.

I make out two men in the front and more in the back. The two in the front are strangers, but one of the passengers in the back makes my blood boil. It’s difficult to catch any scent from inside a speeding vehicle, but my keen eyesight picks my half-brother out of the shadows in the back seat.

Iyana’s silenced weapon whispers as she fires.

The windscreen cracks on the front passenger side. I can’t see exactly where the bullet hits, but the passenger ducks. The driver wrenches the wheel and the vehicle swerves before it rights again.

If they’re smart, they’ll take a quick left and immediately use the exit ramp to return the way they came.

Instead, the vehicle squeals into the parking lot and halts on the far side. I don’t bother with a sigh of disappointment that they chose to fight. Dawson was never smart.

“Stay here unless it’s safe to join us,” I say to Bridget. A quick glance upward confirms that Danika is in position on the corner of the building above us. “Danika will cover this position.”

Bridget jumps to her feet. “But—”

I’m already running toward the vehicle with Iyana beside me. Copyright 2016 - 2024