This Dark Wolf (Soul Bitten Shifter #1) - Everly Frost Page 0,94


There are any number of reasons why she could be offering assistance. Sabotage is the most likely. She could be planning to undermine me, either in a fight or to spy on me and report back my failings to the others. Worse, she could get me killed.

“Do you have Tristan’s permission?” I ask.

She nods. “I asked him before you arrived.”

Still, I narrow my eyes at Bridget. To my left, Tristan watches me and I consider what he’s feeling. It’s somewhat of a shock to me to realize that he wouldn’t deliberately put me in danger right now. If he said yes to her, then he thinks it’s safe for her to come out with us tonight.

As my resolve softens, Iyana nudges me. “Second chances,” she murmurs. “That’s a thing your human soul probably believes in, right?”

Hmm. “Not always. Some acts are unforgivable.”

It also means I’ll have to keep my wolf hidden. I won’t be able to let her run free, which I was looking forward to doing under the cover of darkness, since Iyana and Danika both know I can separate from her.

I spin to Bridget. “Don’t slow us down.”

She stands straighter. “I won’t.”

Before I can turn to the door, Tristan catches my eye again. I stride back over to him, aware of the way Bridget and the other shifters watch us with alternating expressions of surprise and quiet observation. It’s starting to unsettle me.

Tristan doesn’t touch me, but he lowers his voice and bends his head, his cheek very close to mine. “You’re struggling with my pack’s emotions.”

I can’t stop my wry smile. “Just a little. Why did they cheer when you shouted at them?”

“Because their greatest fear is that I’ve changed—primarily that you’ve weakened me.” He pulls back so I can see his eyes, always fierce.

I allow myself to smile. “You showed them that you’re still the same aggressive asshole they’re used to dealing with.”

The corners of his mouth turn down into the snarl that I’m used to seeing and I relax a little. Odd that I feel more at ease when he’s irritable and aggressive than when he’s being considerate.

“And the way they’re looking at us now?” I ask.

“Because they can see us predicting each other’s moves and emotions. Even our breathing is visibly in sync when we’re standing this close to each other. Jace saw it this morning. They’re coming to terms with what that means for them.”

A glance at his chest tells me he’s right. We’re breathing in unison without any conscious thought—at least not on my part.

He lowers his cheek to mine again. It’s not a possessive move. A gentle brush. “Be safe out there.”

Even with melding, Tristan Masters treating me gently and telling me to be safe is as unexpected as me suddenly developing a wolf’s soul. “If by ‘safe,’ you mean be aggressive and kill things, then sure, we’ll be safe.”

I pull back, giving him a bright smile that makes him pause, his focus shifting quickly from my lips to my eyes before he relaxes. He folds his arms over his chest. “Jace and I will patrol the neighboring bridges. We won’t be far if you need us.”

I give him a confident smirk, hoping I’m not about to bite off more than I can chew. “We’ll be fine.”

Turning on my heel, I stride back to my pack.

My pack.

I give them a firm nod, a sense of anticipation rising inside me as we head out on our first patrol together. “Let’s go.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

The air is moist, the threat of rain imminent, when we reach the bridge. We find a spot in the shadows of the enormous parking lot beneath it to plan our defense.

We concealed our weapons in the duffel bag on the way here so that we wouldn’t raise the alarm among the humans. Now, I retrieve the dagger Iyana gave me and slide it into the holster at my thigh.

Once we’ve taken all but Danika’s rifle and her spare clothing from the duffel bag, Danika shifts into her hawk in the shadows, takes hold of the bag in her talons, and flies it up to the top of the nearest building. She’ll leave it there until she’s ready to take up a sniper position on the rooftop and cover us with firepower.

Beside me, Iyana checks the daggers and pistols on her hip holster, readying herself. I only have the single dagger, but I’m planning on using my strength and my power tonight.

While I know that Danika can hit any target with Copyright 2016 - 2024