Dark Peril Page 0,89

boss's estate and left the dying woman to them. Dominic trusted Solange to watch over his vulnerable body while he went outside himself and sent his energy into Marguarita.

At once he could see that Zacarias had worked a miracle in the short time he had. The Carpathian had awoken ravenous, but he'd still given his blood and what energy he had to try to save one of those loyal to him. Had he known she'd been attacked because she refused to give up his resting place? Her mind had been protected and the vampire had been unable to break through the safeguards Zacarias had woven for each of those working for him.

The Carpathian blood rushed to every cell, trying to repair the terrible damage. Her vocal cords were nearly destroyed. Dominic took up the repairs where Zacarias had left off, striving to make certain she could both breathe and swallow properly. The torn muscles were reattached. Thankfully Zacarias had given her the blood she needed. Dominic couldn't supply her, and there was no way of knowing if Solange's blood was compatible. He did the best he could, realizing that he hadn't fed when he came back to his body weak and swaying.

"You've been working a long time," Solange said, holding out her wrist. "You need . . ." "Do not!" He held up his hand. "I think I have had enough of your sacrifices to last a lifetime. I will hunt while you watch over her."

Solange winced, but she dropped her wrist to her side without protest. Her face flushed and she averted her face.

His words were sharper than he intended, the need for blood--hers--riding him hard. He wanted more than her blood. The beast was still too close, needing to carry her off, keep her safe. He had every intention of laying down the law in a way his lifemate could understand, but right now, when his entire body was still in shock from the terror of those teeth in her veins and the ruby-red eyes of the near-vampire marking her as prey right under his nose, he couldn't find it in him to be gentle with her.

"Is she going to live?"

Was there a tremor in her voice? He caught her chin and lifted her head until her eyes met his. She was trembling like a little bird. The pad of his thumb strummed across her soft lips.

"She will live. Her people will take care of her. I am the only one taking care of you, and I am not doing a very good job of it."

She frowned, her lashes fluttering. She looked confused, the color rushing into her face. "Why would you need to take care of me? I did make the one mistake, but I realized it immediately. There is no need to worry about me. I'm sorry I knocked the vampire off you. I should have known you had a plan." Her words tumbled out, a breathless explanation, almost painfully delivered. She could barely force herself to look at him.

"You are a warrior of great skill and I have no quarrel with the way you helped this rising. You kept Cesaro from being killed and Zacarias from dishonoring himself while I was slaying the vampire." He gave credit where it was due. "I was proud of you."

She swallowed hard, her eyes a deep green, almost emerald. The long lashes fluttered and she looked away. She wasn't used to compliments--or attention. Dominic turned away from the sheer vulnerability on her transparent face. She gave that only to him. It was a privilege, a treasure, and yet, a great responsibility.

"You're upset with me." She made it a statement.

"Not with you, kessake. I am upset with myself. Stay alert. The undead are traveling in packs. I have not had the time yet to remove all evidence of his presence."

She opened her mouth and then as abruptly closed it, nodding once before turning her attention to Marguarita. Dominic didn't touch Solange as he wanted. He strode from the room and went into the smaller bedroom where Etienne first had questioned Marguarita. This was her room. She kept the house for the absent owner while her father and Cesaro ran the large cattle ranch. She'd probably never met Zacarias, but loyalty was so ingrained in the families--from birth, the secret of the Carpathians entrusted to their lineage--and all of them would rather die than betray their honor.

He sighed as he meticulously repaired the damage to the structure and removed all evidence

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