Dark Peril Page 0,88

young woman."

Zacarias inclined his head. "Thank you. Try to save her for me, Dominic. I would consider it a great favor. I would go myself, but I no longer trust myself to be near my people. They would sacrifice themselves for me." He bowed again toward Solange. "The infusion of your lifemate's blood has quieted the dark whispers, but I must take myself away from here."

"You will await my call?"

Zacarias nodded. "I will hear when you call or should you need blood. You can trust me to send the information on." He melted into vapor and streamed away.

Heart heavy, Dominic gestured for Solange to precede him into the house. She took a cautious step, as if testing her legs. She appeared a little dizzy, but he didn't touch her, watching Zacarias instead. He wanted her away from the Carpathian hunter as quickly as possible, and he needed to stay alert.

Zacarias was so close to turning and both knew there was little time left for him. The danger was twofold now. Once Zacarias determined he was no longer needed, after this crisis, he would either choose the dawn or he would succumb to the darkness. The loss of such a friend was nearly unthinkable, a stone in Dominic's chest weighing him down, but he wasn't risking Solange any further. They had done what they could for Zacarias. It was up to him now.

Beside Dominic, Solange moved a little closer, as if to console him, but she didn't touch him. When she glanced at him and saw his gaze on her, her eyes shifted from his. She was still uncomfortable around him in any other guise than that of a warrior. He didn't speak, allowing the silence to stretch between them. He was proud of her, yet he was troubled. Upset. His stomach muscles had knotted tight. He had the urge to shake her, or fold her close and hold on so tight she couldn't breathe. He felt as if he were coming down from an adrenaline high that left him edgy and out of sorts--conditions he was unfamiliar with.

Dominic swept Solange behind him, uncaring that she might be upset that he was protecting her, but he was done with her putting her body in harm's way. Zacarias had taken enough blood that she was feeling weak, and because of the parasites, he couldn't even provide for her. She'd stumbled twice and tried to cover it, but he couldn't fail to notice. He knocked politely on the open door leading to the master bedroom. Below, he was certain, Zacarias had a lair, but he wouldn't be using it, wouldn't risk his close proximity to his people, not with his strength waning. He would never knowingly endanger them.

"Zacarias wanted me to see if I could help," Dominic greeted as Cesaro spun around. The man looked disheveled. His face was twisted with grief.

"I don't know what you can do for her," he replied, stepping away from the bed to give Dominic room. "She's alive, but her throat . . ." He trailed off.

Dominic took his place, noting that rather than rushing to the young woman's side, Solange went to the windows, moving like a silent shadow through the room, checking the outside.

"Her father is dead. Out in the courtyard. She has no mother. No other family."

"She has Zacarias and his brothers, and she has you," Dominic said. "Zacarias wants everything possible to be done, and for this home to be considered her home."

Cesaro nodded. "He is like that. Always he looks after us."

"What's her name?" Dominic asked. He needed a moment to breathe his way through the sight of the young woman, so small and helpless, barely making a ripple in the large comforter, torn as she was, her dark, thick braid bloody and her face nearly gray. The reminder of the destruction a vampire could cause in seconds only added to his resolve to curb Solange's courage just a little--enough that he could live with.

"Marguarita," Cesaro answered. He wiped his hand over his face. "I don't know what I'm going to tell the others."

Dominic leaned over the young woman. Her breath was barely moving through her lungs. Have him leave the room, Solange.

Solange didn't hesitate. "We need you to patrol the grounds with your men. If you need to remove her father's body from the courtyard, do so, but there could be another attack. They were after Zacarias. He's a huge threat to them."

She said the right thing. Cesaro hurried to guard his

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