Dark Illusion - Christine Feehan Page 0,141

for the chain and tugged gently. She gasped.

“And that?”

“Like fire. So good.”

“I need your mouth on me.” He did. Right away. If his cock got any harder, he was going to shatter like glass. Just looking at her was sexy. This night was designed for her, but having his woman surrendering everything to him was as erotic as it could get. He hadn’t realized he would feel this way.

She cupped his sac, her fingers rolling and tugging gently. She leaned down and licked and then sucked. His fist automatically tightened as his head nearly exploded with sheer pleasure. She spent time lavishing attention on his balls, so that they grew hotter and the seed inside boiled and churned in expectation.

Julija licked up his shaft, from base to crown, her tongue lingering for a minute in that little vee just under the flared head. Without warning her lips stretched over him and she engulfed his cock, taking him into the hot cavern of her mouth. At once her mouth was tight and her tongue danced, driving him wild.

Her hands went to his thighs, just as he’d said he’d dreamt of, leaving him to control how deep and how hard he took her mouth. He’d said this was about her giving him pleasure, but for him, it was about showing her that her trust was well placed. He moved in gently, very carefully. When he took the chain and tugged, he did so with the same care. Wanting her to see that this was love, too. That anytime they came together, it was love.

He found that her mouth could make him lose control if he allowed it. It was wet and hot and tight. She was good at what she was doing, too good, driving him right out of his mind, because for him, she wanted to be good. His pleasure mattered to her. Love rose up. She could have refused. He’d half expected her to. Instead, she knelt at his feet, sexy as all get-out, wearing his jewelry when it had to have scared her to death.

He tugged again to give her that bite of fire, and then he waved the chain away, soothing her nipples at the same time. He bunched her hair in his fist and pulled to get her mouth to release him. If she didn’t, he would be sending his seed right down her throat.

“Another minute and it will be too late. I want to be inside you.”

Reluctantly, Julija’s mouth freed him, but her tongue chased after his cock. With one wave of his hand as he rose, his clothes were gone. He took her to the cool earth right there on her hands and knees, his hand checking to make certain she was ready for him.

She felt hot. Needy. Pushing back against his palm. Hungry for him. He caught his cock and guided it into her, not waiting, just surging inside. Hard. Streaks of fire raced over both of them. He felt it in her mind. She felt it in his. His hands went to her hips, and then he was losing himself in her. In paradise. Taking her to that place with him.

He wrapped her in love. In him. Showing her what she did to him. What she gave him, even as his body declared over and over that he worshiped her.

“More.” She’d said it softly enough, but it was a demand. “I’m not fragile, Isai, not with you. Let yourself lose control.”

He loved that tone. More, he loved her command. He savored looking at her, that body that was all his. He ran his hand lovingly down her spine, from nape to buttocks. He caught her hips, digging his fingers deep, and did exactly as she asked—he let go. Burying himself in her over and over, a hard, deep driving that was endless.

Her body jolted with every stroke, her breasts swaying. She went down on her elbows, but that just allowed him to get an even better angle. He used his body like a piston, pounding deep, letting the fiery sensations take him. Her breath became ragged and she made little musical noises that bound his heart up in wonder.

“I’m so close,” she gasped. “Hurry, Isai, I’m not going to be able to hold on.”

“Let go, sívamet. Fly for me.”

He felt that first ripple running through her and he slid one hand to her belly, wanting to feel as the tsunami overtook her. He kept his mind firmly merged with hers, sharing his own

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