Dark Illusion - Christine Feehan Page 0,140

always difficult. They had to know absolutely they could depend on each other for anything and through anything.

“I want to chain your breasts.” He flicked her left nipple and then rubbed and tugged at her right one. “Put a rein on you to draw you to me when I desire.”

Her gaze jumped to his face and her breath hitched. Automatically she shook her head, but he was already stroking her breasts gently, adding the sensation of his mouth on her. She arched a little, her breasts swaying invitingly.

“So beautiful, Julija. So mine. All of you. I can barely comprehend some risings that you really exist.” He continued pumping his cock, using a slow, mesmerizing motion.

“What would you do?” Her gaze was back to his cock.

“My desire, remember, sívamet. Total surrender. My pleasure.” More than anything he wanted to give her this freedom. She tried. She wanted it, but it eluded her. She had to take the step. He could only offer. He could only set up the scene for her, but she had to take the necessary step to get there.

“You like me to tease your nipples, don’t you?” He whispered the temptation. “Each time I tug like this, or pinch like this, you get wetter. Don’t you, Julija? Between your legs. You are hot. So hot. For me. That’s all mine. All that hot liquid spice I want pouring down my throat.” He took her nipple between his thumb and forefinger, pinching, his mind fully merged with hers, in order to feel when the pleasure rode that fine line before pain. When he found it, he stopped and simply tugged so that she gasped, her face flushing with need.

“I asked you a question, kessake.” He didn’t repeat the question. She’d heard him. She could blush all she wanted, turning her entire body that soft rose. He didn’t mind, but he waited for her answer.

She licked her lips, her breath coming in soft, ragged pants. “Yes. I do like you to tease my nipples.” Her face flushed that soft rose that he loved.

“And it makes you wet?”

She nodded. “Very.”

He smiled at her. “And you will allow me to do whatever pleases me?”

“Yes,” she said firmly.

He wanted her to be firm in her answer. In her desires. In the things she wanted for herself. Mostly, he wanted the world to fall away for her so she could have just a few hours, perhaps the entire rest of the night before she gave one more thought to challenging a high mage—one who terrified her.

He shaped what he needed in his mind, and then with one hand, he waved, spreading the jewelry out across his thighs. Each gem sparkled, the sconces he’d lit dancing light over them. The chain was a fine gold, twisted braids, the links so delicate they looked fragile, yet he knew, because he had forged them the way he wanted, that they were strong, just like Julija. Deliberately, he’d made the chain long, so when she wore it, it would loop low, halfway to her belly button.

“It’s beautiful,” she admitted.

He didn’t want to wait, to give her time to be afraid. This was play, not torture. This was to make her feel pleasure, not pain. This was beautiful between the two of them, not something corrupt and ugly that would hurt her in the end. He leaned forward and took her left breast into his mouth. He knew his mouth was scalding hot, and she gasped, confirming it. He suckled, kneading gently, using his tongue. Using the edge of his teeth to tease her.

He brought the clamp to either side of her nipple and adjusted it to the exact pressure he’d used with his finger and thumb. No more. Only pleasure. Again, she gasped and then she was back to her ragged breathing. He repeated the action with the second clamp. The chain swung delicately against her skin, glittering each time the flickering lights reached it.

She looked beautiful kneeling between his thighs, looking up at him, her hair tumbling around her shoulders, wearing nothing but his chain. He thought of it as a chain of love. He loved her so much and he never wanted her to be afraid of anything at all. He wanted her to know he would always take care of her.

“How does that feel, sívamet? And be honest with me.”

She nodded. Swallowed. “I like it. It feels like your fingers.”

It was designed to feel like his fingers. He wanted only pleasure for her. He reached

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