Dark Heart Wolf - Haley Weir Page 0,15

to protect the women.”

“I don’t know about yours, but mine can handle herself.” Boone sprinted towards the lights in the distance and Sam followed close behind. The witches disappeared. Sam shouted for his brother, but an explosion in the distance drowned out the sound of his voice. Boone was flung several feet into the air before he dropped with a loud thud. Sam helped his brother up and caught sight of one of the witches making her way towards the servant’s quarters.

Beth flung her knife and it stabbed a second witch between the eyes. Sam shoved Beth out of the way as the witch she attacked shook off the blade and hurled a spell right at her. “Thanks,” she gasped before jumping back into the action. Sam didn’t understand her willingness to put herself in danger, but he respected her fighting skills.

“Sam! Help the servants!”

He clenched his jaw and launched himself through one of the windows. Sam kicked the witch, knocking her back before she could set the place ablaze. Maids screamed, and he ordered them to climb through the opening he created. Sam hunted the witch down when the building was cleared. He smelled the scent of mossy forest floor and the iron tang of blood as he wandered through the narrow corridors. Sam peered into each room as he passed, his red eyes casting a glow upon the wall.

A shrill cackle broke the silence, and the scent of blood grew stronger.

Sam came upon the witch as she bathed herself in gore. He attacked, sinking his teeth into her throat and pinning her to the wall. The witch flailed, hitting him with her fists until she sent a burst of power against his chest. Sam crashed through a wall and tripped over a cot. He felt his ribs crack as he climbed to his feet once more. Sam used his claws to shred open his shirt as he shifted. The witch screamed and rushed towards him with bloodlust in her gaze.

They collided mid-air. Jaws snapped, and brute strength fought against magic in a maelstrom of energies that caused Sam’s head to ache. One of the witch’s smells forced his wolf into submission as he smashed into a mirror. Sam grabbed a shard of the reflective glass just as the witch fell over him. He buried the jagged edge into her hip, and she stumbled back.

Sam had finally drawn blood from his enemy, and it was a bittersweet moment.


Mary Ann saw the barn explode through the window. She ran from the house and searched for Sam. Boone ran over to his wife and the two of them shared a loving embrace, but the second-born Cassady brother was nowhere to be seen. Mary Ann covered her face to hide from the smoke as flashes of what horror she might stumble upon ran through her mind. She didn't want to find Sam gasping for breath. She didn't want to think of a life without him.

"Boone! Where's Sam?"

"He chased down one of the witches and I haven't seen him since."

Wesley James ran past her and shouted for Beth to go inside. The injured woman limped over to the house and disappeared through the door. Mary Ann went through the list of ranch hands, cowboys, maids, and stable boys over and over. She spotted the housekeeper and the cook...Mary Ann had counted everyone except for Sam. She ran around the ranch without a care for herself as she called out to him.

Before the Wendigo Spirit had influenced outlaws to create tainted weapons capable of killing other shifters, Mary Ann hadn't had to worry about losing Sam. He seemed so immortal, so untouchable that she never considered having to lose him like she had lost everyone else in her life. But, above the shouts of alarm, Mary Ann heard Sam's startled groan. She ran in the direction of the noise, pushing through all of the servants that were running from the witches.

A flash of white flew past one of the windows, and Mary Ann crawled through a small opening. She crept through the hall, keeping her steps light and soundless. Glass shattered, and she heard a low, guttural growl emitting from one of the rooms. Mary Ann rounded the corner and picked up a fire poker from beside the fireplace. She moved up behind the witch, lifting the poker to aim...and then the witch collapsed with an ear-piercing scream before bolting through a broken window. Sam was on the ground as he stared down at

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