Dark Heart Wolf - Haley Weir Page 0,14

I give in to this temptation will be the beginnin’ and the end of my life. But until I know what’s goin’ on with these evil spirits, I won’t let you get attached to me.”

She shook her head in disappointment. “If you don’t claim me soon, we’ll both die.”

“No, that ain’t true—”

“Itsá said if you don’t claim me, then the spirit of the wolf will abandon you and enter me. I’ll have to watch as you die and then run for the rest of my life from those who would fear me. With you gone, there ain’t no ranch where I can seek sanctuary,” Mary Ann hissed. “If there ain’t you, then there ain’t no me. It’s as simple as that.”

“And if you get pregnant? What then?”

“There’s no guarantee that will happen. And if it does, then we deal with it.”

“I ain’t too sure that I’m willin’ to take that chance,” Sam admitted. “I lost one wife and daughter already. I don’t need to lose anyone else.”

Chapter Six

Silver Fox Ranch

The cattle grazed peacefully in the pastures the following night. Brilliant beams of silvery moonlight shined down upon the dewy grassed and the serene lake. Sam clicked his tongue and steered his horse behind the cattle to keep them wrangled together. "Charlotte seems to be healin' quickly thanks to that new magic of hers. A witch...can you believe it?" he asked his brother Boone.

"Charlotte escaped that crypt beneath the hovel, walked for miles until Wesley and Beth found her wanderin' around, and I'm supposed to believe she just got lucky?"

"I must admit that I thought it was strange as well," Boone confessed. "If not for the condition she arrived in, I would have assumed the worst of Charlotte."

Sam watched snow drift slowly to the ground. Though the snow had come and gone more regularly, it failed to stick in the grazing pastures. "I need you to know that Mary Ann was nearly attacked by a wendigo. I was upset and went for a run. She chased after me and that thing...it was like it had been lyin' in wait."

"You know Mary Ann cares for you. Why did you think it—?"

"Look, I ain't tellin' you this to get a big speech," Sam insisted. "I managed to fight that thing off, but I’m not sure if I’m strong enough to protect Mary Ann on my own. She and I are friends, Boone. Whether you like it or not, we’ll be friends for a long time.

“I just question what your motives are where Mary Ann is concerned. I ain’t got no issue with the two of you bein’ friends, but I can take one look at you when she walks into a room and tell that it’s more than that. If you tell me that she’s your mate, then I’ll just have to deal with it.” Boone clicked his tongue, and his horse trotted backward before turning in a circle until he faced the cattle that attempted to wander off. “I just wish you would either admit to your feelings for her so we can work through this or let her go."

"I don't see how you and I can ever work through our problems. You hate me for somethin' I had no control over."

Boone shook his head with a scoff, and Sam felt like he was a kid again. "You chose to walk out on this family. You chose to fight on the wrong side of the law. You chose to rob trains and loot wagons. That was your choice!" The fury in his brother's eyes caused Sam to flinch.

"I already paid my dues."

"Did you?" Boone questioned. "I remember it differently, then. Because I was cleanin' up your mess and payin' off your bounties so they would not hang you! I was the one takin' care of this ranch after our father died and I took care of your mother while you were too busy drownin' in a bottle to see that she was dyin'."

A ball of roiling black energy flew past Sam’s face. The horses spooked. Boone was bucked from the saddle, but the alpha wolf landed on his feet. Cattle scattered, running along the hills to avoid danger. Hooded figures appeared in the grazing pastures. Sam rode towards his brother, but he toppled over the side of his horse when he took a spell to the shoulder. Pain rippled across his skin as Boone yanked him to his feet. “You all right?”

“I’m all right. We have to get back to the ranch

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