Dark Guardian (Black Hoods MC #3) - Avelyn Paige Page 0,54

you get your butt back in here,” the doctor calls out as we round the corner.

Kevin and Natalie are right outside, just as Grace had said. I don’t know which one of them hugs me tighter, but I don’t even care. My arms wrap around those kids and I hold them against my fractured chest, ignoring the pain and just reveling in the fact that my kids are here, and that I still have them with me.

“I was so scared,” Natalie sobs into my blood-stained shirt.

“Me too, kiddo. Me too.”

She looks up at me, surprised. “You were scared?”

“Terrified. I thought he was going to hurt us and take you guys away. I thought he was going to hurt you both.”

Kevin’s eyes flash with anger. “He hurt Karma and Lindsey.”

Swallowing hard, I follow Grace as she leads us all down a long corridor. “I know, but that’s all he was able to do.” I reach over and place my hand on Kevin’s shoulder as we walk. “You did good, bud. So fucking good.”

“I didn’t save Karma and Lindsey, or their baby,” he mumbles.

Their baby? Lindsey’s baby was Karma’s? I knew he had a thing for her, but he’d never once come to me and told me he was going to pursue it. Probably because he knew I’d rip his fucking dick off.

“You were amazing,” Grace assures him.

We enter the waiting area on the third floor of the hospital a few moments later, where leather clad bikers are sprawled out around the room. Some are asleep, and some are awake, mumbling to each other, all of them looking worried.

“Have we heard anything?” Their heads whip up, and one by one they come to me, slapping me on the back. It sounds nice in theory, but with broken ribs, they might as well be stabbing me right in the chest.

“Glad you’re okay, man,” GP says, going in for the final hug of the group. “You just missed the doc about twenty minutes ago. He said Karma is out of surgery, but for now, it’s touch and go. He took a bullet directly to the heart.”

Natalie sobs beside me, and Grace wraps her arm around her shoulders, pulling her into her side.

“They got the bullet and stopped the bleeding. They fixed it as best they could.” GP sighs. “He’s in a medically induced coma, and will be for the next few days. His heart needs time to heal, and he’d be in too much pain if they let him wake up now.”

“Is he going to live?” Grace asks.

“It’s too early to tell.”

I look over at Stone Face, whose anger always seems to simmer just under the surface. “What happened to Henry Tucker?”

“Cops arrested him before we even got there,” he bites out. “He’s locked up at the station tonight, but will probably be off to county before lunchtime tomorrow.”

I narrow my eyes and step closer so only he can hear me. “We can’t let this slide.”

“Oh, we aren’t. Trust me. But once he hits county, it’s going to take some effort to get to him. It won’t be easy.”

“Mr. Grant?” a nurse calls from the locked door leading down to the patient rooms. “Your niece would like to see you.”

I make my way toward her, squeezing Grace’s hand as I go. I don’t know what to think about Lindsey and this whole baby thing. I mean, she’s a grown ass woman. She can make her own choices. She taught me that back when she was just a teenager. If I had to describe Lindsey in one word, it would be independent. But if it was Karma’s baby that she lost? That’s a whole different story.

I follow the nurse down the hall and around the corner. Finally, we stop outside of the room. “She’s very emotional,” the nurse warns, and then, without even giving me a chance to absorb that unwelcome information, she shoves the door open and steps inside.

Lindsey’s curled on her side, a pillow clutched to her chest. She’s not crying, but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see she’s been doing a lot of it recently.

Her head lifts when she sees me, and she starts to cry. “You’re okay?”

Moving to her side, I wrap her in my arms. “I’m okay, darlin’. Are you okay?”

Her voice breaks as she tells me, “I lost my baby.”

I don’t know what to say, so I say nothing other than, “I know, sweetheart. I know.” Holding her tight, I ignore the pain I feel from my

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