Dark Guardian (Black Hoods MC #3) - Avelyn Paige Page 0,53

my hands around the butt, Henry’s on me. His foot slams into my chest, kicking me back as he reaches for the gun.

I gasp for air, but I know that if he gets that gun before I do, it’s over. With as much strength as I can muster, I reach for him again, but he moves so fast. The gun is at my temple before I can get to my feet, and the hammer clicks back.

“You stupid bitch,” he spits, his finger dancing on the trigger in slow motion. I close my eyes, waiting for the world to disappear around me, finding peace because my sacrifice won’t be in vain. The kids got away. They’ll live on.

A heavy thunk echoes through the room, followed by the thud of Henry’s body hitting the ground beside me. I whip around in shock to find Kevin shaking like a leaf, a cast iron pan clutched in his hands.

“Holy shit,” he whispers.

Sirens wail in the distance as I stare at the carnage around us.


“Just stitch it up. I’ll be fine.”

The doctor rolls his eyes. “Sir, I get it, you’re tough, but you have a severe concussion, three fractured ribs, and a deep laceration on your scalp.”

I glare at him. “So stitch the laceration, and I’ll be careful with the rest. My family is out there with worse injuries than mine, and I need to be there for them.”

“I’ll take care of him,” Grace assures the frustrated doctor.

Nodding, he sets out to stitch the wound left on my forehead by the butt of Henry’s gun.

“Lindsey?” I ask, turning my attention to Grace.

Her mouth turns down. “She was pregnant.” It’s no less of a shock now as it was when Karma had said it to Henry Tucker earlier.

“You said was. Is the baby okay?”

A tear falls from her eye and down her cheek. “She lost the baby.”

“Is Lindsey going to live?” I ask her, my teeth clenched as the doctor starts in with the sutures.

“Sir,” he admonishes. “If you don’t stay still, you’re going to be in here even longer when I accidentally punch this needle through your eye. Stop moving!”

Grace and I both ignore him. “Yes, Eugene, Lindsey is going to survive, but the bullet destroyed her womb. She not only lost her baby, but she’ll never be able to have another one. She’s devastated.”

Devastated, I can deal with. At least she’s alive to be devastated.

“And Karma?”

“We don’t know yet. He’s in surgery.”

“Is he going to make it?” I demand.

Another tear slides down her cheek. “We just don’t know. If you’re the praying kind, though, this is the time to do it.”

I gape at her in shock. Karma is one of my best buddies. He’s a good shit. Reliable. Funny. Always ready to help out with a slap for Twat Knot when he’s being an ass. I don’t think I can handle life without him in it.

“Kevin and Natalie are out in the hall,” she continues, dashing away her tears and forcing a shaky smile onto her lips. “They were so brave, Eugene. You should be proud of them. And Kevin…” She takes a deep breath and blows it out slowly. “Kevin saved my life. He saved all of us.”

“You almost done, Doc?” I feel like I’m about to crawl out of my bruised and battered skin. I just want to see my kids, reassure myself that they’re really okay. I want to go to Lindsey and hold her, tell her everything is going to be okay. I want to get the hell out of here so I can be there when Karma comes out of surgery.

“Yeah, yeah, Rambo, keep your chaps on.”

Grace stares at me with wide eyes, stifling a laugh behind her hand. Gazing up at the doc, I raise my brow. “You’re a brave man, Doc.”

He shakes his head. “Nah. I’m just tired of people bitching at me to move faster when I’m doing my damn job.”

I’m in no mood for his annoyance, so I open my mouth to tell him exactly what I think about him and his damn job, but Grace beats me to it.

“He’s sorry, Doctor. We’ve just had a very rough night, and some of the others that were with us are hurt badly.”

Grabbing a pair of odd-looking scissors, he brings them to my head, cuts the thread, and winds some gauze around my noggin over and over again. “There. All done.”

I hop down off the table and follow Grace to the door.

“If you feel nauseous at all,

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