Dark Guardian (Black Hoods MC #3) - Avelyn Paige Page 0,43

I inquire.

“Old lady,” Blair says. “When you’re with one of the patches, that’s what they call you.”

I throw up a hand to stop her. “Patches? I’m sorry, but I don’t understand.”

“Patches are full members,” Lindsey explains. “They have the full patches on the back of their cuts.” I nod, only somewhat able to wrap my head around what they’re telling me. “Their vests. The guys without them are called prospects. They’re kind of the probationary members of the club. They work with a patch mentor, and if they do well enough, they’ll become a full member someday.”

“And the other women I’ve seen around here? Are they... what was the word you used... old ladies?”

Lindsey’s hands fly up in the air. “Oh, hell no.” She points to a small group of women sitting at the bar across the room. “They’re what we like to call sweet butts. Most of them live here at the clubhouse. They’re kinda like friends with benefits for the members without old ladies. They’re here for the guys who need a little attention.”

“They what?”

“Not all the guys are into that sort of thing,” Blair clarifies. “GP never touched the girls.”

“And Eugene?”

Lindsey laughs. “I’m never going to get used to you calling him Eugene. I’ve called him Judge for as long as I could talk, and he’s my blood relative.” She takes a sip of her beer. “And yes, he’s been with some. But he won’t now that he’s with you. My uncle is loyal.”

My head spins as she rattles off more and more information, while I’m stuck inside my own head at the thought of any of these gorgeous women hanging all over Eugene in front of me. My heart sinks. He’s been with the sweet butts, or whatever word she used to describe the scantily clad women who have popped in and out of the main room we’ve been sitting in. Is that what he would expect me to handle if we were together? To just be okay with other women trying to sleep with him right in front of me? Just the idea makes me want to walk right out the door and never look back. I may not be an expert in the relationship department, but I don’t share.

I would have never thought that being with a biker could be so complicated.

Reaching out, Blair takes my hand and squeezes it. “It’s confusing at first. It took me a while, but once you get used to it, it’ll make more sense.”

“It’s like riding a bike,” Lindsey assures me.

“It’s more like trying to fly a plane with no experience, or pilots. Until you find the manual, you’re kind of on your own to bring the nose up.”

“You’ve been playing that flight simulator with the kids again, haven’t you?”

“I don’t mean to scare you away with all the club talk, but if you’re going to be with him, you need to know. Being an old lady is one thing, but being the president’s old lady is an entirely different animal. He leads the men. The president’s old lady fills that role for the ladies. You’d be the first old lady if you’re his.”

My head spins. “I don’t even know where I stand with him.”

“No one ever does,” Lindsey warns. “Club life isn’t for everyone. Outsiders don’t do well here.”

“I was an outsider,” Blair acknowledges.

“You’re a different story.”

“Ignore her, Grace. She’s just protective of her uncle.”

“Someone should be.” Lindsey throws her hands up in the air. “He’s had a lot of bad in his life. I want to make sure he doesn’t get anymore.”

I lean forward and catch Lindsey’s eye, making sure she’s listening to me when I speak. “Listen, I like Eugene a lot, actually, but I have no idea where this is going to go. We’re still feeling it out... I think.”

“Just don’t hurt him. He seems to care for you. If you can’t handle this, you need to tell him now before he gets in even deeper.”

Is it really that obvious? We’re attracted to each other, sure, but we barely know anything about each other. I don’t even know his middle name or his birthday. How did we go from screwing around once to me leading the women of this club? If his own niece looks at me with such disdainful conviction, I assume others will too. He and I really need to talk.

“Enough about all that stuff,” Blair asserts, her voice high and uncomfortable, and just the thing to break the tension in the

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