Dark Guardian (Black Hoods MC #3) - Avelyn Paige Page 0,42

I drawl, giving them both a flat, unamused stare.

“Sorry, Prez,” Hashtag mutters, while Twat Knot rearranges that messy fucking bun on top of his head. Once everyone is paying attention, I begin.

“Kevin and Nat have a father. He’s come looking for them and put out a missing persons report for them and their pedophile uncle.”

“What’s his name?” Hashtag asks, likely already planning to go digging for info on the internet. If information is stored anywhere in the limitless worldwide web, Hashtag will find it. It’s what he does.

“His name is Henry Wayne Tucker, and he’s one bad dude. The kids don’t really remember him, but he’s got priors.”

“Don’t we all?” GP huffs.

“He tried to abduct Grace at gunpoint this morning.” That shuts him up. “I was standing right outside. She was in a coffee shop and he walked right in, shoved a gun into her ribs, and forced her out a side door.”

“Fuck,” GP mutters.

“He wants my fucking kids. A judge has ordered Grace to remove them from my home and hand them over to their father.”

Shocked faces stare back at me.

“She’s agreed to hand over everything she has to the club and allow us to track this bastard down before that happens. She agrees the kids need to stay with me. Hash, you speak with her before we leave. Find out everything you can. Leave no stone unturned. We need to find this motherfucker before he hurts somebody.”

“You got it.”

“The rest of you, stay alert. If he’s willing to go after Grace with me on the other side of the door, then he’s willing to do just about anything. Dude’s a fucking wildcard. Nobody rides alone. Keep your families close, and go nowhere without your piece.”

“What’s the plan once we find him?” Mom asks from beside me.

“He’s gonna sign those kids over to me,” I tell him. “And then I’m gonna rip his fucking head off.”


I never thought I would step foot in this clubhouse again after the failed removal, yet here I am, sitting on a huge leather sectional with Eugene’s niece and one of the other guy’s girlfriend who I know now is Blair. Kevin and Natalie took off down the hallway with another teenager the second the conference room door shut with Eugene and the rest of the men. Except for a couple of guys who sit near the front door, eyeing me closely.

“Will they be okay?”

“Oh yeah,” Lindsey replies. “That’s Hayden. She and Kevin are as thick as thieves since the incident.”

“She’s the daughter who was taken by Randall,” I surmise, remembering my earlier conversation with Eugene Kevin’s last catfish for his uncle that ended up freeing them all. The reason Kevin and Natalie are living with Eugene.

“She was,” Blair acknowledges. “All three of them have been through so much, but I think spending time together has helped them to work through the trauma. Hashtag wasn’t so fond of the idea, but it’s been the best thing for them.”

“Hashtag? Where do you guys come up with these crazy nicknames?”

“It’s just a thing bikers do. Some earn them, and some are born with them.” Blair laughs. “They all call me Red, thanks to GP.”

I grin, admiring her gorgeous head of red, curly hair, and then turn my attention to Lindsey. “Do you have one?”

She smirks. “Not one they’d say to my face if they do.”

“Because Karma wouldn’t allow it,” Blair adds, earning a side-eye from Lindsey, but she doesn’t seem to care, keeping her smile firmly in place. Why do I get the feeling they’re having a silent conversation about this Karma guy I’m not privy to?

“So, do you all live here?” I ask, changing the subject.

Blair shakes her head. “No. Most of us have our own homes. GP and I live nearby.”

“I kind of float around between my uncle’s house and here. It just depends on your situation. Some of the newer guys prefer to live here until they can get settled.”

“Oh.” I don’t know why, but I’d always assumed bikers lived together like one big commune. This is actually the first time I’ve really gotten to learn what their lives are really like.

“We don’t all live here like one big family,” Lindsey huffs. “Believe me, none of us needs that much testosterone in our lives.”

“God, no,” Blair agrees. “GP’s bad enough at our house. I don’t need the rest of them under one roof. Our house couldn’t survive it. Neither could our refrigerator.”

“That’s something you need to remember, being my uncle’s old lady.”

“Old what?”

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