Dark Destiny Page 0,125

make doubly certain every 'i' is dotted and every 't' is crossed."

"Are you really worried about money, Mary Ann?" Destiny asked.

"Well, of course, isn't everyone? The sanctuaries are expensive to maintain, and I try to do job training and help each family get started. A woman on the run is difficult to hide, especially if children are involved. I have some help, but it isn't easy to keep the funding going. Grants can only cover so much and we do fund-raisers, but people tend to forget if we don't keep our cause in the spotlight. When you're hiding women from violent, determined husbands, the last thing you want is publicity. It's just complex, that's all." Mary Ann sighed softly. "Don't mind me, Destiny. Thursday's are my complaining days."

Destiny grinned at her mischievously. "Actually I knew that. Velda warned me to avoid you at all costs this evening."

Mary Ann groaned and rested her head on the table. "Don't tell me the entire world knows I'm a grouch."

"Only on Thursdays," Destiny pointed out helpfully. "Come on, don't be so down. Tell me how much money you need and I'll get it for you."

Mary Ann lifted her head to regard Destiny with deep suspicion. "You cannot rob a bank. I'll find a way to pay this month's bills without that."

"Actually I was thinking more about robbing the drug dealer a few miles from here. He's a nasty, slimy little man and has far too much cash for his own good. Just for the fun of it, from time to time I go and destroy all his drugs."

Mary Ann sat up very straight. "You don't really do that, do you? Those kinds of people are dangerous."

Destiny shrugged. "Not to me. They can't see me. I detest them - little worms destroying lives and thinking they know what power is. Why shouldn't a sanctuary have the money? It ought to be put to some good use. I just have to be careful to keep from starting a drug war, or allowing anyone else to take the blame."

Mary Ann stared with shock at Destiny's decidedly wicked smile. "How do you do it?"

Destiny's grin widened. "I plant memories in his nasty little mind. Every now and then he has way too much to drink or he suddenly gets an attack of acute remorse. That's my personal favorite. He thinks he gave the money away but can't remember to whom, and he thinks he destroyed the drugs."

"You really do this, don't you? Does Nicolae know?"

Destiny straightened abruptly. "Did you have to bring him into this? He has nothing to do with it. I sneak into the movie theater, too, and I don't have his permission for that either." There was a note of defiance in her voice that made her sound a shade childish. It annoyed her. She didn't need to answer to Nicolae, and she wasn't apologizing for her independence. She had no idea why she was feeling guilty.

The warmth flooding her body only increased her irritation. She knew he was secretly amused. Worse, he always managed to elicit a response from her, whether physical or emotional.

I used to be a perfectly reasonable person before you got hold of me.

"Sneaking into the movie theater is hardly the same thing. One is dangerous, one is not," Mary Ann said severely.

Is something romantic playing at the theater? I will take you there. We could have an interesting time in the back row in a dark corner. His voice was soft and seductive, playing over her skin like the caressing touch of his fingers.

I would be happy to keep you away from trouble.

In spite of her determination, she couldn't help her melting response. She was happy. She had never really experienced happiness.

It sounds like definite trouble to me.

But she wanted to go with him. It would be fun sitting in the theater pretending they were a regular couple madly in love and wanting to sneak a few moments together in a dark corner.

But I'll go with you.

I think Velda and Inez are on to something here. Maybe we ought to pick up the chocolate, after all.

She loved the teasing note in his voice.

I'll let you surprise me.

She loved sharing with him. Reaching for him and having him be there with her.

"Are you listening to me, Destiny? Dealers are dangerous criminals. They think nothing of killing people. You can't do things like that, even for a good cause."

Destiny turned her attention to her friend. Friend. She savored the word. When she

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