Dark Destiny Page 0,124

life very simply, without fear of rejection. Others don't have to understand us." As if realizing they were getting close to the topic of her hidden talents, she completely changed the subject, patting Destiny's hand as if that would distract her. "I heard what you did for that little boy. Father Mulligan came by this morning and mentioned you brought him the child. Inez and I would gladly give him a home, but we're too old." She glanced at her sister. "I'm too old, and Inez must take care of me. She has her hands full with that, don't you, Sister?"

"You're never a bother, Velda. Of course we'll take the child if he has no one else. Velda fusses and spoils them, but I'd see to it that he ate properly and went to school. She'd be useless, taking him for outings all the time and giving him junk food."

"Father Mulligan has a family in mind," Velda said. "A couple who have always wanted children and could never have any. He's helping them fill out the necessary paperwork and talking with the social workers now. I believe he was meeting your young man and taking him along."

So that's what you're up to, smoothing the way. Hope blossomed in the pit of her stomach, a starburst she tried hard to squelch. She had lived most of her life without hope, without allowing others into her life. Velda and Inez lived their lives without fear of rejection. They dressed the way they wanted to dress, and they chose to have fun in their lives. Father Mulligan had told her to have courage. She was beginning to realize that meant the courage to actually enjoy her life.

She suddenly wanted to be with Nicolae, to feel his arms around her. He had had the courage to take tainted blood from her. So she would never feel like an outcast, never feel alone. She was afraid to allow the full scope of such a magnificent sacrifice into her mind, into her heart, because she feared she might love him too much.

Destiny was instantly ashamed of herself. Nicolae deserved better than what he was getting. Impulsively she leaned over to kiss Velda, and then Inez, on their cheeks. "Thank you both. You're the best! I'm going to go grill Mary Ann. Have you seen her?"

"Well, no, dear. This is Thursday. She always does her books on Thursday and isn't fit for company."

Destiny's eyebrow shot up. That sounded intriguing. She never paid attention to what day of the week it was, but Thursday with Mary Ann sounded interesting. Destiny found the woman in her office, scowling down at a book filled with numbers. "You don't look as though you're having fun, my friend," she greeted with a sunny smile.

Mary Ann glanced up at her, a frown on her face. "I detest accounting. I always find I need far more money to go out than I managed to take in. I've stared at this page until I'm cross-eyed and I can't make the numbers change."

Destiny studied Mary Ann's large, chocolate-colored eyes. "You do look a bit cross-eyed. We can't have that. How much do you need?"

Mary Ann laughed and tossed down her pencil with a little gesture of defeat. "Let's just say robbing a bank is beginning to look like a way out."

Destiny leaned onto the desk with both elbows and propped up her chin in her palm. "I could do that for you," she offered, straight-faced. "It's rather a specialty of mine. Walk in, sight unseen, collect what I need and get out. No one's the wiser. And doors don't stop me; neither can a safe. Where do you think the money I've donated came from?" She widened her eyes to look as innocent and sweet as possible.

There was a moment of silence. The smile faded from Mary Ann's face and she looked horrified. "Destiny, surely you didn't steal that money? I used money from a bank robbery for my sanctuary?" There was a squeak of alarm in her voice.

Destiny blinked rapidly. Mary Ann wadded up paper lying on the desk and threw it at her. "You're awful! Why do I think I like you? You almost gave me a heart attack."

"Shame on you for even thinking such a thing. Although, now that you mention it, the possibilities are endless."

"Don't even joke about it. That would really be the end of my sanctuaries. Funding is so darned difficult and with all the government scrutiny I have to

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