Dark Descent into Desire - J. J. Sorel Page 0,31

phone. You’re one tough cookie. If that were me, I would’ve dropped out and become his slave by now.”

I laughed. “That’s so ridiculous.”

“Love makes us do and say crazy shit. That’s what makes it so much fun.” He kissed me and sashayed off.

If only the situation were so light. I thought of Blake’s intensity.

Looking down at the phone as though it were a rare jewel, I drifted into my lecture. As I sat down, the phone pinged.

The lecturer looked over in my direction with daggers in his eyes. The golden rule was that phones be turned off or we’d be expelled from the lecture. I apologized and tucked it away in my bag.

As it was, I didn’t pay attention to a word the lecturer uttered.

One hour later, I was shuffling out of class and walking down the hallway with my eyes at my feet when a voice from behind called my name. I turned, and Blake, illuminated by light pouring through a window, stood before me like an apparition.

“I left you a message,” he said.

While hordes passed us in the corridor, my heart raced so rapidly I nearly fainted.

“Um… I was in a lecture.” His cologne floated up my nose and brought back the feeling of Blake’s strong naked body in my arms.

Wearing a loose linen shirt and fitted dark-blue pants, Blake epitomized class. His dark hair was combed back, and his blue eyes were like deep wells that I wanted to splash around in.

“Have you got a moment?” he asked, looking around as a streak of students scurried along.

My legs felt boneless. “Let’s just go outside,” I suggested, finally finding my voice.

We walked in silence as I led him to an empty bench under my favorite tree.

I waited until we’d sat before saying, “Thanks for the phone.”

“Oh, so you do have it?”

“Shelly brought it in this morning.”

His gaze lingered. “Why did you say you lived there?”

A part of me bristled at his bossy tone, but then my heart fluttered. He must have cared.

I felt him even though our bodies weren’t touching. The electricity between us made the air between us spark.

“I stayed with my mother last night. I flit from one place to another.”

He nodded thoughtfully and took my hand, which went from damp and cool to hot and tingly. “I wanted to see you again last night.”

“Oh really?” I asked, puzzled. “But at the door, yesterday morning, you were so cold and distant.”

“I’m not great in the mornings. And look, I’ve never seen a woman to the door before at that hour. In broad daylight.”

“Really?” I studied him, looking for more, and fell into his large mesmerizing eyes. I felt like Alice going through the looking glass, but instead of bumping into a cast of weirdos, I tumbled into a land of dark, red-hot erotica.

He took my hand. “I’ve got a meeting to go to. Dinner. Tonight?”

I thought of Lilly. “I’d love to, only I promised a friend I’d be there for her. She’s not well at the moment.”

“Is that Lilly?”

“Did your friend tell you about her horrible experience?”

He shook his head. “What about after? We could meet.”

“I’m staying there through the night. I haven’t seen her for a couple of days, and she needs me. We’re like sisters.”

He nodded. “I understand. Tomorrow night, then?” He caressed my hand. The softness of his touch flooded me with memories of his fingers on my body.

“I’d like that.” I smiled, rising from the bench.

He led me behind the tree, where he took me into his arms and kissed me passionately. His ravishing tongue parted my lips and entered, as though it was his dick inside of me.

As his body pressed hard against mine, I felt his erection against my thigh.

The intensity of his desire swept me away. After we unlatched arms reluctantly, an ache swelled between my legs, and my hardened nipples stretched my blouse. His eyes settled on them while his tongue brushed his reddened lips.

Pushing back a stray strand of hair from his perfect forehead, he said, “Penelope, I want to fuck you so badly it hurts.”

Voices woke us from our carnal haze, even though his gaze continued to smolder.

He was so gorgeous I wanted to hate him.

“Call me,” he said. “Or at least, leave your phone on so I can call you later.” He sounded stern, almost bossy.

Having gone to putty, I could handle him acting like an alpha, as long as he made me feel desired. “I will.”

Blake paused. “Are you going home now?”

Stirring out of

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