Dark Descent into Desire - J. J. Sorel Page 0,30

I that transparent?” I couldn’t hide my annoyance, which was more at myself for wearing my heart on my sleeve than at Milly.

“There. You just admitted it.” She looked at me with the concerned expression of a mother. “You can’t remain a bachelor forever, love.”

I moved my head around to release the sudden tension in my neck. “I’m only thirty.” I took a deep breath. “And I’ve got some issues.”

“Are you still suffering from those nightmares, my love?” Even though it wasn’t my favorite subject, her gentle voice soothed me.

Milly knew about my affliction. She’d experienced it at Raven Abbey. Although it was a large building, my cries had echoed. And the walls had ears.

I nodded slowly.

“A good woman will understand. I’d like to see a picture of her,” she said. “Better still, why don’t you bring her here?”

“And have you pick her brain and frighten the poor girl?” I grinned at the thought of Milly meeting Penelope, even though I sensed that Milly would like her. Penelope was no fake—a little nervy, but she was genuine.

And there it was again, my body reacting at the thought of her curves and those playful dark eyes. A silent sigh made it all the way to my dick, making my jeans tight. That had been happening all morning. I had to shift about and quickly think of anything but Penelope’s full breasts and her sweet clit creaming my tongue.

“Five hundred?” I asked, hoping that a card game would offer me respite from the erotic replay on loop.

“Yes. Of course.” Milly’s hazel eyes brightened. “Now, this time, don’t let me win. I’ve got a drawer full of ten-pound notes. Be a darling and pull them out. I keep giving them away.”

“You must be popular.”

“Let’s just say that my secret nightly visit with Mr. Gin has suddenly been boosted somewhat.”

I shook my head. I should have admonished her, but at ninety, one could allow for a few unhealthy habits. And Milly made a sport of poking her tongue at death.

“As long as you’re not still smoking,” I said as Milly pointed at the cards in my hand. “Remember what the doctor said.”

“It’s only three a day. And hell, I feel as strong as an ox. Just, these have failed me, that’s all.” She tapped her legs.

* * *

I LEFT MILLY AND was heading toward my car when my phone pinged. The pang of anticipation faded when I saw that it wasn’t Penelope calling. “Patrick.”

“I delivered the phone. I just texted the number to you. Only, she wasn’t there. The guy that answered the door told me she’d gone home.”

“Really?” I asked. “Isn’t that where you dropped her this morning? Did she happen to mention that she was staying with a friend?”

“Nope. I dropped her off at the Soho address.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

I sat back and thought this through. Why tell me she lives in Soho? I called her number, but it still went to voicemail. Taking a deep breath, I said, “Penelope, it’s Blake. Call me…” I paused. “When you can.” I wanted to say “ASAP,” but that would have sounded a tad desperate.


* * *


I WAS HOVERING IN THE corridor at college, waiting for a lecture that was about to commence, when Sheldon passed me a package delivered to his home.

Mystified, I opened it and discovered a cellphone with a message from Blake to call him.

I stared up at Sheldon. “It’s from Blake.”

“That’s fancy-schmancy.” He studied the phone. “Holy crap, Penny, it’s the latest. Top range.”

“Mine’s broken.” The new phone trembled in my hands.

After that cool departure, I’d tried to convince myself that Blake was off the menu—that he’d only used my body. And although I loved every second of it, except for those few moments of pain, I was pissed off at him. If ever I’d needed an embrace and a few sweet whispery words, it had been at that door.

“He must really be into you. He sent his hot driver. Oh wow… how Hollywood.”

A smile stole my grimace. “What should I do?”

“Call him, you crazy girl. He’s gorgeous.”

“But he’s so hard to read.”

“You don’t want to see him again because he’s enigmatic? I couldn’t think of anything sexier myself.”

That set a pulse aching through me. Of course I wanted to see him again, and despite my body screaming for it, my cautious heart had the upper hand.

“Call him.” Sheldon nodded. “It’s not always up to the guy to do the chasing.”

“I don’t want to chase anyone.”

“Hello… he just gifted you with a one-thousand-pound

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