Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series) - G. Bailey Page 0,86

protecting the young eight-year-old boy who I see when I look at him. I see my childhood friend, and that won’t change.”

Ren tilts his head to the side, watching me closely. “You are fascinating, Kaitlyn Lightson.”

“So are you, Ren. You could be more if you only tried,” I softly tell him and close my eyes. “Thank you for saving me, Ren. I won’t ever forget it.”

“Rest, Kaitlyn. I will protect you always,” he whispers to me as I drift off to sleep, comforted by his words as I know deep down in my heart, he would always protect me.

And I suspect I will always, always want to save him.

Even from himself.

Chapter 44

Wiping the paste from my ribs in the shower hurts so badly, but I carry on until it’s all gone, and I’m amazed to see only a small scar in a line where I was stabbed only ten days ago. Ren wants me to rest for two more days, but he thinks it’s important I get up and clean the wound off in the shower. I’m certain he would have come in here with me if I let him, but he has settled for waiting by the door. Thallon and Henry have been constantly at my side and surprisingly getting along well with Ren when they needed to. Thallon promised me Myles is okay and being updated, but we agree it’s not safe for Myles to come to see me when Ren is always close by. But I miss him and how he makes me laugh. I miss his cooking and joking around with Thallon.

Turning off the shower, I get out slowly and wrap myself in a towel before drying my hair with the hairdryer. Ren’s bathroom is amazing, and it has its own walk-in bathtub and shower. Even a dressing table with everything any woman or man could need. After sorting my hair out, which still looks a mess of wayward blonde curls, I towel dry myself and put on my clothes. By the time I’m dressed, I feel worn out and breathless as I look at myself in the steamy mirror. I’m not going to be myself for a few days, that’s for sure. I step out of the bathroom, surprised to find myself alone in Ren’s bedroom. I’m slipping on my shoes when I hear a female scream, and nervously I follow the noise down a corridor, through the living room area, and to another door which is slightly open. I push the door open just as Ren shoves Miranda through a red shimmering portal that burns with fire all the way around the edges. On the other side is a clearing of stones, and behind it is a city like nothing I have ever seen. I step closer as Miranda stumbles onto the stones and starts to scream as every inch of her body bursts into flames.

“What the hell is that place?” I demand, and Ren looks back, holding a hand out for me.

“Come and see the city of hell, Kaitlyn,” he offers, and in my shock, I step closer to Ren’s side as I look through the portal. Miranda is nothing but ash blowing across the stones now, and I want to feel sorry for her, but she deserved it. She tried to kill me and nearly succeeded. I imagine Ren’s punishment would have been worse if she did. “I do not like killing my own in this manner, but she must be an example to all our people. No one attacks my queen.”

I shiver as I stare up at him, seeing the passion and fiercely protective nature he has over me and everyone he loves. Underneath the broken and the cold vampire king lies a heart of gold and a man any woman would love without a second thought.

“We finally meet, vampire king. Do you have a name?” a woman asks, stepping onto the stones with four men at her side. The woman must be about twenty with long dark hair, a glittering crown on her head, and casual, almost normal clothes on, but they don’t hide how beautiful she is. Her eyes sweep over me briefly before focusing on Ren. “I suppose I will start. I’m Alexandria, queen of hell, and you’ve been causing me a shit load of problems.”

Did the queen of hell just say shit load? Ren chuckles and crosses his arms. “My name is King Erendriel Raloxisys of the vampires, but you already know that.”

“But I couldn’t pronounce it

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