Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series) - G. Bailey Page 0,85

I’m weirdly okay with Henry and my guys using it, but on her lips? It sounds like poison.

“Why?” I gasp, tasting my blood in my mouth.

She laughs, moving her foot and kneeling down in front of me. Her nail draws a line down my cheek as her blonde hair falls like a curtain around us. “Because you could never be the queen we need. Ren needs someone strong, someone who wants his children and many more masters to run this world. You. Will. Never. Be. That.”

It’s strange how pain drifts away when you’re close to death, like your body is trying to protect your mind. The pain fades slowly as I laugh a little, even if it sounds laboured. “You haven’t got a clue about what I could be to Ren. I was starting to believe vampires aren’t monsters, but I might be wrong. It seems some of you are.”

“Angels are—” She gets cut off as someone kicks her in the face, and she flies down the steps. I look up to see Riley standing over me, and his worried eyes meet mine.

“I’m sorry, and I will save you.”

“No, you won’t,” Miranda laughs as she uses her vampire speed to be right in front of Riley. I scream as she grabs him like a doll and bites into his neck. Riley’s blood drops onto my forehead as I scream for help, for anyone.

Something deep inside me cracks, and I scream the one name who might hear me.

“Ren! Please, Ren! Help me!” I scream his name over and over as darkness creeps into the corner of my vision, and I hear my vampire king roar my name just as the world goes black.

“Careful now,” Ren soothes as I blink my eyes open and stare at the white ceiling above me. Ren helps me sit up on his bed, placing more pillows behind my back as I look down at my stomach. My top is gone, but my bra is still on, and the place where the dagger was is now covered in sticky blue gunk. Before I can ask what it is, Ren pulls his blue comforter up and over me as the warmth from the room hits me, and I glance at the roaring fireplace near the bed. “The paste heals vampires and prevents infection. You will need to rest for a while and leave it on a few days.”

“Thank you... Did you save me?” I question, vaguely remembering hearing his voice. His eyes darken, and I reach for his hand without thinking about it.

My touch seems to calm him, as he rests back on his bed and nods once. “I was nearly too late... You’ve been asleep for eight days, and I was beginning to fear you would not wake.”

“I’m fine,” I say and wince as I try to straighten up, which makes Ren’s lips tilt up.

“Always have to be strong, don’t you?” he asks as he reaches for a glass of water and hands it to me. “You will need to regularly feed for the next week. Thallon and Henry will be here every other day to let you feed on them. Their blood will help, but you must rest.”

“You know I’ve been feeding on them?” I question after drinking all the water, and my cheeks light up. I don’t know why, but it feels personal that Ren knows. I’ve only fed on Henry once to see what it was like, but it ended up in sex before I could feed much. Thallon never lets it go further and leaves the room. I kinda respect that. I kinda don’t.

He takes the glass from me, setting it on the side. “I make it my business to see you are well. If you weren’t feeding, you would not be well.”

I suddenly remember Riley coming to help me and then Miranda biting him. “Is Riley okay?”

“Why do you care for the boy who threw you into the fire and betrayed you in the name of love?” he asks me, no spite or judgment in his tone. He simply just doesn’t understand.

Furrowing my brow, I start to explain what I haven’t really admitted to myself before. “Riley is the brother I never had, and I cared for him like family. Even though he did a terrible thing to me, it doesn’t mean I want to see him dead. We can never be friends or close again, but I will always care about him from a distance. I cannot stop my heart from

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