Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series) - G. Bailey Page 0,36

purple mini dress that Vesnia let me wear, I move my hips and enjoy the music for a long moment. I feel myself relaxing and forgetting the goal, as the more I dance, the more I lose myself in the music around me.

“That’s enough of the show,” Henry growls in my ear, his arm hooking tightly around my waist, and the next thing I know, he is pulling me out of the room and down the corridor. We get to the stairs, and he drags me up them and pulls a key out of his pocket when we get to the top, never letting me go. He unlocks the door in front of us, pushes it open, and then drags me inside.

He flips the light switch on as I take in what is clearly his bedroom. A messy double bed is pushed against one wall with at least three deep midnight blue blankets piled on top and dozens of pillows. There are three cabinets, no doubt full of clothes, and on top of them is a mixture of books. One has five snow globes on top of it, and I walk over, forgetting the rest of the room as I stare at the globes. There is one with a yellow heart crystal inside, another with what looks like New York, and the biggest snow globe has a Christmas tree and presents in it, but it’s the last one that is the best. Inside the last one is a carousel with red horses on it, reminding me of my eighth birthday.

“One year the fair got stuck in our town for an extra few days due to a snowstorm. My mum and dad had said I couldn’t go; they didn’t like things like the fair. They said it was tacky, but I didn’t believe them, and thankfully neither did Riley. He helped me climb out of my window, and we walked three miles to the fair. When we got there, the only ride still open was the carousel, and we rode it once before my parents caught up with us,” I chuckle, remembering how mad they were. “I was grounded for two weeks, and Riley was banned from my home for a month. Totally worth it though.”

“You really do see him as your best friend,” Henry murmurs as he sits on his bed, stretching his legs out and crossing his arms. “And not as the boy in love with you and who is a jealous fuck.”

“It’s just teenage hormones, and all this change is making him cling to the past. He is still my best friend, and that’s all he will ever be,” I reply.

“Good, because he could never be enough for someone like you,” he warns.

“And what is that meant to mean?”

“Beautiful, smart, secretive and lost. So fucking lost,” he softly tells me, tilting his head to the side. “And trust me, baby, a boy like that isn’t going to save you. He will ruin you and walk away.”

My breaths seem to come out laboured as I watch Henry so carefully. “What if I wanted someone else to ruin me?”

“Careful what you wish for, Kaitlyn,” he warns, his eyes locked with mine as he smoothly stands up and slowly walks right up to me. I’m sure for a second that he is going to kiss me, but he walks by me and opens his door. “Now go back to your room, and don’t come to my parties in dresses like that again. The dumbasses downstairs don’t need a reason to do something stupid.”

“At least you’re admitting you’re a dumbass,” I seethe, pushing past him and feeling my cheeks burning red. Liking me is really that bad? Bad enough to be considered a stupid decision? Am I really that bad, that unattractive to him?

“Where you going, newbie?” the “lovely” Jessica drawls, grabbing my arm as I pass her by the front door. “Is the king bored with fucking you yet?”

“As he did with you, you mean?” I suggest, and I know I’ve hit a nerve as her eyes burn with anger and she shoves me against the front door, pushing her arm against my throat.

“Henry and I are long term, even when we have breaks to fuck toys like you,” she sneers, leaning in closer. “And that’s all you are, a toy with pretty baby eyes and tuggable blonde hair. I’ve let you off for now, but this is your first official warning. Back. The. Fuck. Off. My. King.”

I simply smile, even

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