Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series) - G. Bailey Page 0,35

down and tilting her head to the side before looking to Professor Gabriel.

“We have been here for hours, as I told you when you just arrived, and nothing has changed. The vampire will not speak,” she states.

“Is there any possibility of a master vampire being around?” Master Gabriel asks. “We believed all the bloodlines were killed off and what is left of the coven are mated to humans and living normal lives.”

“Vampires don’t ever work together unless there is a master vampire around. That’s why all the attacks on the wolf packs, the demon academy on earth, and the tales island are so concerning. We assumed we are safe, but if there is a single chance a master vampire is still alive, we must summon the angel army and find the creature,” Professor Badhur says.

“Thankfully we haven’t suffered as many injuries as the other races. We must be far more prepared in case this happens again. I am suggesting the angel guard be placed around the academy,” Professor Louton says.

“No, the angel city has its own problems of late, but some angel guards at the academy would not be a bad thing,” Master Gabriel says with a long sigh.

“Fine. I will start ripping the vampire’s limbs off and see if he will talk. Or he will die, one or the other is acceptable at this point,” Professor Louton calmly suggests.

“Every angel will fall under his rule. His new queen is born, and the gods will bring death to all those who seek revenge!” the vampire screams, and suddenly Ren is next to him, reaching a hand into his chest. He harshly turns his hand to the side, and the vampire screams and screams before his head rolls to the side and blood pours from his mouth. Disgust and shock fill me as I stare at Ren, my vampire ghost, being a monster.

I guess I always knew he was a monster, and I just chose to ignore it. I chose to let him get close and to not care about the dangers. Ren turns to me, and he simply winks before fading away as the teachers all stare at the body in shock.

“Hold on,” Henry whispers in my ear, holding me tight against his body. In seconds his wings surround us, and the world is dipped into pure darkness. When a trickle of light flickers in my eyes, I look up and get locked in Henry’s deep gaze. Sometimes it’s like the embers in his eyes bounce around, sucking you in, making you want to walk through the fire.

It’s a game, and Henry is always winning.

He is the king of Angel Academy, and there is nothing the king doesn’t get.

“Why were you there?”

His breath blows against my lips in the cold darkness. I don’t know how he is doing this. “We all have our secrets, don’t we, darlin’?”

“I have a feeling you have far more than I ever could.”

His thumb lifts up, brushing ever so softly against my bottom lip. “You should forget everything you just saw. It’s not good for you to know anything.”

“Do you have something to do with the vampire attack?”

“Why would I?” he pulls away from me, and I suddenly realise we are in the academy gardens.

“Why didn’t you kill the vampire that was on top of me?” I ask him as he walks away from me, suspicion high in my voice. “You killed the other two but not her. Why would she run away and not attack you? How did you move us here?”

“Be careful not to accuse the king who just saved your life,” he coldly warns me, and without another word, he flies into the air.

Chapter 20

I raise my arms in the air, feeling the heat from the angels dancing around me, the loud music blocking out all of my senses I no longer want to feel. It’s been a week since I saw that vampire die, and Ren hasn’t appeared once. I want to ask him a million questions, and a stupid part of me might even miss him a little bit.

Partying with dark angels might not be the best way to get Henry to tell me all his secrets, but it is sure a good step in the right direction of getting his attention.

It’s been a week since the vampire attacks and one awkward assembly later where Master Gabriel told us all it was a misunderstanding, and now new angel guards are flying around the academy night and day. In my borrowed

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