Dark Angel Academy (The Complete Series) - G. Bailey Page 0,24

the door to the corridor. We all follow her through the academy and outside towards some of the cabins on the left side I haven’t been near yet. They are well hidden in the thick trees, but one of them stands out more than the others. The house is covered in angels sitting on the roof, on the porch and all over the grass outside. Fairy lights are wrapped around the thick bannisters and the edges of the roof, and the inside of the cabin has different coloured lights flashing through the glass as they move.

Vesnia hooks her arm in mine as we walk through the dark angels littering the grass, the heavy scent of alcohol filling my nose and making it twitch as we head into the cabin. Loud music blasts into me as much as the heat of the room does as we look around, and I have no clue where to glance first. The one half of the room is full of angels dancing in pairs, looking close to having sex as they enjoy the music, and the other side of the room is no better. Angels fill the sofas, practically eating each other’s faces off, but it doesn’t seem like they are doing more than that right now. I cough as I breathe in a mouthful of what I’m sure is weed, and I spot a few people smoking it near the entrance.

“You brought the new meat. Interesting, my queen,” a dark angel with mousy brown hair says to Jessica, before tugging her away to one of the sofas.

“The light and dark angels certainly have different ways,” I mutter to Vesnia as we move away from the door. Vesnia nods her head to a door at the back of the room, and we both go through it to a game room full of more dark angels. The pool table is now a drink table filled with every kind of alcoholic drink you could find. We carry on through and find the kitchen where Riley is talking with two light angels, the only light angels I’ve seen in here.

“There you are, we gotta go,” Riley states, grabbing my hand and tugging me to his side a little too roughly.

“What’s the rush?” I ask.

“Yeah, asshole. Don’t you like my house or my party?” Henry asks from somewhere very close behind me. I freeze as he places his hand on my waist and his body presses into mine, his breath moving my hair on the top of my head as Riley stares at him. For a moment, I see so much pain and anger in my best friend’s eyes that I want to tell him I will leave...but Henry is right. I actually want to see what dark angels are about, and if this is their way, then for now, I will have to play by their rules.

“No, and let my best friend go,” he bites out.

“What does your best friend want?” Henry sarcastically asks, clear humour in his voice, and Riley’s eyes drop to mine.

I know he is going to hate me before I’ve even spoken. “I want to stay. I want to know what dark angels do as much as you liked learning about light angels yesterday, Riley.” He stares at me in shock for a second before he changes his whole expression and drops my hand like it’s on fire.

“I never had you down for one of those girls,” he growls at me before walking away with his new light angel friends following behind him. Henry doesn’t move from my back nor take his hand off my waist as I suck in a deep breath of air.

“Thank you,” I say very quietly, not even wanting to hear the words myself.

“I don’t like bullies,” Henry whispers to me before letting me go. I turn around, but he is gone, disappearing into the crowds of people, and Ves hands me a drink.

“I knew you’d need one the moment Riley grabbed you,” she explains, and I tightly smile. “Let’s just have fun, yeah?”

“Why not?” I answer, and Ves laughs, pulling me through the house and into the dancers. For a few hours, I forget I’m surrounded by angels or that my best friend is mad at me, and I just dance, but in the corner of my eye, I see Henry always watching me, always letting me know I’m not alone.

“Which way is our room again?” Vesnia asks, and I giggle in response. I don’t have a clue, the

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